要查看 Win32 错误代码的列表,请参见下面的 Microsoft Web 站点: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/netdir/adsi/win32_error_codes.asp 例如,要手动注册 Sample.ocx ActiveX 控件,请在 MS-DOS 提示符处键入以下命令: c:\regsvr32.exe sample.ocx Regsvr32.exe 错误消息 以下列表介绍了 RegSvr32 错误...
/en-us/netdir/adsi/win32_error_codes.asp 例如,要手动注册Sample.ocx ActiveX控件,请在MS-DOS提示符处键入以下命令: c:\regsvr32.exe sample.ocx Regsvr32.exe错误消息 以下列表介绍了RegSvr32错误消息和可能的原因。 Unrecognized flag:/invalid_flag 键入的标志或开关组合无效(请参阅本文中的“Regsvr32.exe的用...
如果此尝试失败,Regsvr32.exe 会返回一条错误消息,其中可能会包括一个 Win32 错误代码。要查看 Win32 错误代码的列表,请参见下面的 Microsoft Web 站点: [url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/netdir/adsi/win32_error_codes.asp[/url] 例如,要手动注册 Sample.ocx ActiveX 控件,请在 MS-DOS 提示...
Thus, registry damage can be averted by letting the software roll back the system files to an earlier healthy checkpoint. Driver Assist is the answer to fixing your PC error codes accurately and quickly. Click hereto download DriverFIXto fix Error Code 40 quickly and effectively!
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/netdir/adsi/win32_error_codes.asp 例如,要手动注册 Sample.ocx ActiveX 控件,请在 MS-DOS 提示符处键入以下命令: c:\regsvr32.exe sample.ocx Regsvr32.exe 错误消息 以下列表介绍了 RegSvr32 错误消息和可能的原因。
Theregsvr32program basically does five things, and the exit codes correspond to each of those steps. Parse the command line to see what it’s being asked to do. Initialize OLE. Load the library. Find the function to be called. The command line options specify which function to look for. ...
Error Code -2146232060 Error Codes & Messages In VB.NET Error Handling when dividing by zero in VB,NET (Visual Studio Express 2015) Error handling When DLL is missing Error loading type library/DLL. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY)) Error only when opening a Form...
Then I Uninstalled and reinstalled my UE4 and from there I launched my project and tried opening the Visual Studio files from the Editor. It did open the files, but the UE4 and the VS were not quite in sync. Some of the details that I hardcoded from VS through my ...