2. 或者使用win32程序直接调用ocx,查看错误提示 3. 使用depends工具查看缺少库 4. 工程间使用不同的MD(MDD)、MT(MTD), 也可能导致程序无法运行 附ocx注册为安全组件代码 1//Hello.cpp : Implementation of CHelloApp and DLL registration.23#include"stdafx.h"4#include <objsafe.h>56#ifdef _DEBUG7#defin...
41// TODO: Add your own module termination code here.42return COleControlModule::ExitInstance();43 } 44 45 46 47// 创建组件种类 48 HRESULT CreateComponentCategory(CATID catid, WCHAR* catDescription)49 { 50 ICatRegister* pcr = NULL ;51 HRESULT hr = S_OK ;52 53 hr = CoCreateIn...
function. If this attempt is successful, Regsvr32.exe displays a dialog indicating success. If the attempt is unsuccessful, Regsvr32.exe returns an error message, which may include a Win32 error code. Example: To unregister Winshow's winshow.dll: Click the Start button, and select Run Enter ...
LoadLibrary("dskmaint.dll") failed.GetLastError returns 0x000001f在Winerror.h中,0x000001f = 31 (ERROR_GEN_FAILURE),表示“附加到系统上的设备不能正常工作”。如果您尝试注册Win16 .dll文件,就会发生此现象。例如,键入regsvr32 dskmaint.dll会返回该错误消息。 DllRegisterServer (or DllUnregisterServer)in ...
I/O Error Log Messages ICM Core ICM User Interface IIS Common Libraries IIS Core Libraries IIS Documentation IIS FTP Server IIS Internet Manager IIS Virtual Printer Directory IIS Virtual Script Directory IIS Web Server Images and Media IMAPI - CD Burning IME Prototype Indexing Service Information App...
打开管家婆软件软件报错:Error loading MIDAS.DLL (1)Ctrl Alt Del三个键同时按-启动任务管理器-进程-将Graspsin(单机版)或者Graspnet(网络版)或者Graspsvr(服务器)在任务管理器的程序结束进程。 08 广告 云渲染场景解决方案 高性能并发计算、高性能存储等,助力轻资产运营 ...
Win32 error code. Example: To unregister Winshow's winshow.dll: Click the Start button, and select Run Enter this command line: regsvr32 /u [systemroot]\winshow.dll For example, in a Windows XP machine in which your systemroot was at c:\winnt, you would ...
Entry using Bar-code scanner and without Bar-code scanner. Equivalent for a \n new line character in Visual Basic Error - Cannot embed interop types from assembly 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks' Error : Reference to class 'ApplicationClass' is not allowed when its assembly is linked using No...
4回答 Regsvr32奇怪行为=>Regsvr32没有给出任何成功或失败的消息 、、、 我有一个directShow过滤器: MyFilter.ax为什么Regsvr32不给出任何成功或失败消息?如何调试Regsvr32失败-成功?然后再次尝试register.Fail,而不需要来自regsvr32的消息响应。 然后,但是在虚拟机上再次安装一个干净的win7操作系统。然后进行所有更新,。