Mystery Science Theater 3000: Created by Joel Hodgson. With Kevin Murphy, Trace Beaulieu, Jim Mallon, Michael J. Nelson. In the not-too-distant future Joel Robinson is held captive by Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank, forced to watch B-Grade movies on the Sa
Mystery Science Theater 3000: Created by Joel Hodgson. With Joel Hodgson, Felicia Day, Patton Oswalt, Rebecca Hanson. Kinga Forrester continues the B-movie watching experiments of her father and grandmother on a new test subject aboard the Satellite Of L
skip to main content mystery science theater 3000 : the definitive oral history of a tv masterpiece wired presents an oral history of the greatest talk-back show ever made. save save joel hodgson platon released in 1966 , manos: the hands of fate is a d-minus of a b movie: its plot,...
第15集 神秘科学剧院时刻 第一季 Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 1第15集 神秘科学剧院时刻 第一季 8.2(442人评价) 全部1集2集3集4集5集6集7集8集9集10集11集12集13集14集15集16集17集18集19集
第7集 神秘科学剧院时刻 第一季 Mystery Science Theater 3000 Season 1第7集 神秘科学剧院时刻 第一季 8.2(442人评价)
On Friday, February 10, at 8pm ET / 5pm PT, grab a seat in the Kingadome for a Riff-Along Tribute to I Accuse My Parents. PLUS, we’ll be premiering our final new short riff of season 13: “Doing Things For Ourselves in School.” This premiere is extra special, because this is ...
On Friday, February 10, at 8pm ET / 5pm PT, grab a seat in the Kingadome for a Riff-Along Tribute to I Accuse My Parents. PLUS, we’ll be premiering our final new short riff of season 13: “Doing Things For Ourselves in School.” This premiere is extra special, because this is ...
Mystery Science Theater 3000is a show that will not die. It has moved through so many incarnations, starting on a local TV station, moving to basic cable, on two different networks (three if you count The Comedy Channel, which turned into Comedy Central.) Wh...
Robot: Science and Industry! Tom Servo: See big men sticking screw drivers into things - turning them - AND ADJUSTING THEM! Crow T. Robot: Build your very own Atom Storage Box! Mike: Bringing you state-of-the-art in soft-serve technology! Crow T. Robot: Removes lids off bottles and ...
Mystery Science TheaterFeatures the Manhattan, New York-based graphic design firm Associates in Science. What characterizes the company; Some posters that the company had designed; Firm's grounding in the film work.Vanderbilt, TomPrint