Mystery Science Theater 3000: Created by Joel Hodgson. With Kevin Murphy, Trace Beaulieu, Jim Mallon, Michael J. Nelson. In the not-too-distant future Joel Robinson is held captive by Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank, forced to watch B-Grade movies on the Sa
"Mystery Science Theater 3000" The Girl in Lovers' Lane (Season 6, Episode 9): 9 out of 10: I am not sure this film would be funny on its own, but with the Joel and the robots it is a hilarious classic. This is simply some of the best non-stop riffing of the Joel years and...
and i can’t really act. but after mystery science theater ended, i felt like people were expecting me to break open a rock and find a new color of the rainbow, you know. so that’s what i kind of thought i had to do. tv wheel was kind of that. it was great creatively, but ...
Mystery Science Theater 3000 isn't just one of the most sly and creative comedy series ever made, it also helped to bring numerous forgotten B-movies back into the spotlight -- giving some films a brand new lease on life. Whether its creator Joel Hodgson, Mike Nelson, or newbie Jonah Ray...
” Myth Science Theater sounds sort of like you are lisping, so I went with Mystery Science Theater. The 3000 was a joke on all the people that were attaching the year 2000 to various programs. In the late ’80s it was everywhere: "America 2000" was something that George Bush Sr. ...
简介 When Joel Robinson is shot into space and forced to watch bad movies while mad scientist Dr. Clayton Forrester (Trace Beaulieau) and his crony, TV's Frank (Frank Conniff), monitor his mind, Joel builds a cast of lovable robot sidekicks to help keep his sanity: Crow, Tom Servo, Gyp...
A misconception aboutMystery Science Theater 3000, the cult phenomena created by comedian Joel Hodgson in the late 1980s, was that it existed to make fun of movies. Hodgson envisioned the series as a way to hang out with the audience, to brave a world of unseen cinema without feeling daunte...
Joel wants to bring back 'Mystery Science Theater 3000' Since this is a continuation of the series and not a reboot, they also will have new characters who will be part of the same family of mad scientist characters from the original series. This means new cameos as well. ...
Loosely based on the Bram Stoker short story. Versions were produced for CBS Radio Mystery Theater, Fear on 4, Hall of Fantasy, and Haunted.. Reviews: Killer CrabYear: 1982 Duration: 45 min Genre: Super Science Available for Listening Booth: Y Story by: James Agate, Jr A...
Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie: Directed by Jim Mallon. With Trace Beaulieu, Michael J. Nelson, Jim Mallon, Kevin Murphy. Mike Nelson and his robot companions watch and give their comments about This Island Earth (1955).