简单儿童英语歌谣简单儿童英语歌谣 以下是一些简单的英语儿歌歌名,都是简单易学的,适合孩子学唱和跟唱。 1.《Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star》 2.《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》 3.《Itsy Bitsy Spider》 4.《Wheels on the Bus》 5.《Row, Row, Row Your Boat》 6.《If You're Happy and You Know ...
.wx-root[data-weui-theme=dark],body[data-weui-theme=dark]{--weui-BTN-DEFAULT-ACTIVE-BG:hsla(0,0%,100%,0.126)}@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark){.wx-root:not([data-weui-theme=light]),body:not([data-weui-theme=light...
英语歌谣Warm-up: 1、One two three four one two three four ,clap your hands (1 2 3 4,拍拍手) two two three four,stomp your feet(2 2 3 4,跺跺脚) three two three four,nod your head,(3 2 3 4,点点头) four two three four,hands on knees.(4 2 3 4,小手放到膝盖上) 2、Let’...
英语单词歌谣 一个driver(司机),掉进river(小河),生命over(结束)。 我家dad(爸爸),脾气bad(坏),让我sad(伤心难过)。 有只cat(猫咪),非常fat(肥胖),专吃rat(鼠)。 放下plate(盘子),赶到gate(门口),已经late(晚了)。 清晨wake(醒来),来到lake(湖边),钓上snake(蛇)。 撇下net(网),鱼没get(得到),...
30首英语歌谣_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。Twin sister 30 preschool songs 1. Silly Alphabet Song A is for apples, alligators, anteaters. B is Twin sister 30 preschool songs 1. Silly Alphabet Song A is for apples, alligators, anteaters. B is for big, bright, blue balloons. C is for ...
英语字母歌谣大写的a塔尖尖一座宝塔穿云天 英语字母歌谣 字母歌谣 大写的A塔尖尖,一座宝塔穿云天。小写的a慢慢爬,蜗牛爬上葡萄架。大写的B像雪人,肚子白白脑袋大。小写的b拇指翘,竖起拇指把人夸。大写的C茶壶把,手把茶壶倒碗茶。小写的c耳朵小,耳朵虽小听力好。大写的D一张弓,弯弓搭箭气如鸿。小写的d冒青烟,...
英语小歌谣(一) 1.Good morning We come to school to learn and play, Good morning, good morning. It issuch a bright and sunny day, Good morning, good morning. 2.Alittle book What a nice little book! MayIhave a look? Oh,Ilike your little book! 3.My friends Roy has a face. Roy ...
《A yummy banana》英语歌曲歌谣#英语歌曲歌谣 #A yummy banana @勤奋blog· 2022年10月28日勤奋blog 00:27 102 《Balloon, balloon》英语歌曲歌谣#英语歌曲歌谣 #balloon #英语学习 #每日英语 @勤奋blog· 2022年10月29日勤奋blog 02:02 9 If You Re Happy And You Know It!#幼儿英语启蒙儿歌 #英语歌曲...