下面是小编整理的最受欢迎的儿童英文歌曲及歌词,分享给大家! 1、《Little Star》小星星 Twinkle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are! 点评:《Little Star》的中文版就是...
歌词讲述了小鸭子们出去玩耍,翻过小山走了很远,每次回来都少了一只,直到最后五只小鸭子奇迹般地全部回到了家里,让人心里暖暖的。 ▽上下滑动查看歌词 Five little ducks went out one day. 五只小鸭子出门去了 Over the hills and...
1、Twinkle, twinkle, little star Twinkle, twinkle, little starHow I wonder what you are Up above the world so highLike a diamond in the sky Twinkle, twinkle, little starHow I wonder what you are When the blazing sun is goneWhen he nothing shines upon Then you show your little light...
类型:4-6岁教育儿歌早教益智动画大陆英语其他0-3岁 年份:2019 首播时间:20190222 语言/字幕:汉语 更新时间:20190222 简介:宝宝英语儿歌 第15集你好你好歌How Are You,儿童动画片免费在线观看,剧情简介:经典的英语儿歌,熟悉轻快的旋律,丰富多彩的画面,从儿歌入手帮助小朋友开始英语语言的第一次启蒙。反复听,轻松学!
I am strong when I am on your shoulders You raise me up To more than I can be You raise me up To more than I can be 推荐理由:《You Raise Me Up》是一首世界闻名的英文歌,是一首大人小孩都能唱的歌曲,它的旋律优美深沉,歌词感人,是一首非常励志的感恩歌曲。©...
(向下滑动查看歌词) Daddy finger daddy finger Where are you Here I am here I am How do you do Mommy finger mommy finger Where are you Here I am here I am How do you do Brother finger brother finger Where are you Here I am here I am ...
儿童节英语歌曲歌词大全简单版 Children's Day is a special day dedicated to children all around the world. During this day, lots of fun activities are organized for children to enjoy and make beautiful memories. One of the most fun activities that kids can do during Children's Day is singing...
This is my dog.How areyou? Howareyou? Hi. Hello. How are you? I ’ mfine. I ’m fine. I have a cat. This is my cat.How areyou? Howareyou? Hi. Hello. How are you? I ’ mfine. I ’m fine. I have a bird. This is my bird. How are you? How are you? (1-2) ...
英语儿童歌曲歌词:Three Little Kittens Three little kittens, They lost their mittens, And they began to cry, Oh, mother, dear, We sadly fear, Our mittens we have lost. What! Lost your mittens, You naughty kittens, Then you shall have no pie. Meow, meow, Then you shall have no pie. ...