英歌舞英文介绍英歌舞英文介绍 Ying Ge Wu (英歌舞) Ying Ge Wu, also known as "Ying Ge Dance," is a traditional dance performance with martial arts elements that originated in the Chaoshan region of China's Guangdong province. This dance is deeply rooted in the local culture and history, ...
英歌舞,又叫“唱英歌”,是流行于广东潮汕地区的普宁及福建漳州等地区的一种糅合南派武术、戏剧等地方艺术为一体的中国民间舞蹈。表演者根据中国古典小说《水浒传》画着梁山108将的脸谱。 Yingge Dance, or "Hero's Song", is one of the most representative forms of folk art in South China’s Guangdong a...
普宁英歌CULTURE RIBBON 文化带Throughout the crowded Spring Festival holidays, dancer ChenXiangyu and his team have been rushing around non-stop throughout South China's Guangdong Province to present the centuries-old dance known as yingge, which roughly translates to"Song of Heroes," to audienc...
Yes, but it's more than that.今年春节,英歌舞又火了——龙年春节初一、初二,来自广东普宁的南山英歌队分别亮相英国地标伯灵顿拱廊和特拉法加广场,给海外华侨及外国友人们送上了来自广东的新春祝福,吸引超过七十万人现场围观,超过百家媒体报道。这个在中国有几百年历史的“中国战舞”,以雄浑有力的舞姿,跨越...
介绍地方潮汕特色的英语作文潮汕英歌舞 Chaoshan Yingge dance 在潮汕地区,刚开始学习拼音的小孩子,每天出门上班的大孩子,头发已经苍白的老孩子,提到英歌舞,谁不是立时就回忆起英歌舞那刚劲的舞姿、豪迈的气势、响彻云霄的掌声…… In Chaoshan area, young children who have just begun to learn pinyin, older ...
'英歌舞、蜈蚣舞、鳌鱼舞' 'Yingge Dance, Centipede Dance and Turtle Dance' “红头船” “the old Red-Top Sailing Merchant Boats” “小公园” “Little Park” “百载商埠” “the 100-year old commercial port” “华侨试验区” “The Overseas Experimental Zone” ...
英歌舞的英文介绍Yingge Dance, also known as "Chanting Yingge", is a folk dance that combines elements of southern Chinese martial arts, drama, and other local art forms. It is popular in the Puning area of Guangdong and the Zhangzhou area of Fujian. The dancers wear masks inspired by the...
英歌舞英文介绍 Title: Introduction to the English Drums Dance - A Unique Folk Art in China English drums dance, also known as "Yinggewu" in Chinese, is a vibrant and energetic folk art form originating from southern China's Guangdong Province, particularly prevalent in areas such as Chaoshan...