AlexanderHamilton歌词音乐剧hamilton汉密尔顿无翻译 Alexander Hamilton (亚历山大·汉密尔顿) - Okieriete Onaodowan/Christopher Jackson/Phillipa Soo/Anthony Ramos How does a bastard orphan son of a whore and a Scotsman dropped in the middle of a forgotten Spot in the Caribbean by providence impoverished ...
Spot in the Caribbean by providence impoverished in squalor Grow up to be a hero and a scholar The ten-dollar founding father without a father Got a lot farther by workin' a lot harder By bein' a lot smarter By bein' a self-starter By fourteen they placed him in charge of a trading...
这是音乐剧《汉密尔顿》开场曲《Alexander Hamilton》最开始的几句歌词,很简单的几句话就揭示了美国开国国父之一亚历山大·汉密尔顿的身世。 这部由林-曼努尔·米兰达创作的音乐剧,根据美国第一任财政部长、美国开国元勋之一的亚历山大·汉密尔顿本人经历改编。 2015年8月在百老汇首演,次年便就获得了11项托尼奖奖项、格莱美...
【音乐剧 翻唱】【汉密尔顿】【My Shot】#音乐剧 #汉密尔顿 #Hamilton 查看AI文稿 57英语老师Skyler 01:27 七岁小朋友挑战My shot汉密尔顿#音乐剧 #汉密尔顿音乐剧 #rap #hamilton #童声 查看AI文稿 1022你的Yoyo妹妹 03:58 My Shot - 超燃翻唱 Part. 1客厅里的汉密尔顿!#Hamilton #音乐剧#汉密尔顿 #myshot...
【中文译配】汉密尔顿音乐剧开场曲 6.3万观看 109弹幕 自从视频发布之后,填词方案经历过多次局部调整,本文为作者目前认为调整过后更加理想的填词方案,会与视频内的唱词有部分出入。 不知道现在这样排版对大家来说是否易读,我先这样发一期试试水吧。 歌词:
You said you were mine I thought were mine Do you know what Angelica said When we saw your first letter arrive? She said: "Be careful with that one, love he will do what it takes to survive." You and your words flooded my senses ...
helplesss音乐剧汉密尔顿英文歌词汉语翻译Satisfied (满意) - Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton/Renee Elise Goldsberry A toast to the groom! 为新郎干杯! (to the groom, to the groom, to the groom) (敬新郎,敬新郎,敬新郎) To the bride! 为新娘干杯! (to the bride, to the bride, to the ...
helplesss音乐剧汉密尔顿英文歌词汉语翻译Satisfied (满意) - Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton/Renee Elise Goldsberry A toast to the groom! 为新郎干杯! (to the groom, to the groom, to the groom) (敬新郎,敬新郎,敬新郎) To the bride! 为新娘干杯! (to the bride, to the bride, to the ...
感谢药不能停字幕组对于本剧的推广。一:汉密尔顿 【波尔】:这么个私生子、孤儿、妓女生养;父亲离家...