如何理解无购物日..2. 提高生活质量:从另一个角度来看,无购物日也可以看作是一种休息、放松的日子安排,让人们在无需为各种采购事项操心的同时,也有更多时间关注其他有意义的事情,从而提高生活质量和幸福感
1阅读材料3语段阅读—Buy Nothing Day(无购物日Buying Nothing DayESREC4S/SBUY NOTHING DAYparticipate by not participatingBuy Nothing Day (November 27th, in UK) is a great way of remindingpeople they don't need to go shopping. In today's world, most of us buy toomuch, too often. Women oft...
1【题目】Buy Nothing Day(无购物日)Buy Nothing Day(November 27th, in the UK) is a great way ofreminding(提醒) people that they do not need to go shopping. In today'sworld, most of us buy too much, too often. Women often buy a lot of clothesChildren are crazy about hi-tech product...
根据文中"Buying Nothing Day(November 27th. in theUK)(无购物日(11.27,在英国))”可知这个节日来自于英国。结合选项:A英国;B美国;C中国。可知本题正确答案是A。2.答案:C解析:题干意思是无购物日在第几个月?根据文中"Buying Nothing Day(November 27th. in theUK)(无购物日(11.27,在英国))”可知是在...
阅读材料 3 语段阅读- Buy Nothing Day(无购物日) Buying Tothing Day Buy Nothing Day (November 27th, in UK) is a great way of reminding people they don't need to go shopping. Intoday's world, most of us buy too much, too often. Women often buy a lot of clothes. Chiidren often ...
[中国经济大讲堂]“一带一路”倡议拓展了中国与各国经济的合作 [央视财经评论]云南实行游客购物“30天无理由退货” 已累计为游客退货款7819万元 [消费主张]组织不合理低价游 导游通过购物拿回扣 [对话]巴赫谈与中央广播电视总台的合作 [生财有道]一站式购物 老区特产创新路 换一批央视...
【日本vlog】大阪-京都-奈良-宇治-东京10日深度游玩体验! 一棵三三seven 397 1 2024日本Vlog #1: 悉尼到东京|悉尼机场|拉面|东京Airbnb|雨夜银座 一只越妹纸 1432 0 3月购物开箱ღ🥨✰一下拆了20几个快递📦!哈咯大家几天不见我来咯!!攒了一些📦和大家一起拆拆 共享快乐!有鞋/包/项链/帽子/...
[中国经济大讲堂]“一带一路”倡议拓展了中国与各国经济的合作 [央视财经评论]云南实行游客购物“30天无理由退货” 已累计为游客退货款7819万元 [消费主张]国家市场监督管理总局网站发布汽车召回通告 [对话]巴赫谈与中央广播电视总台的合作 [生财有道]一站式购物 老区特产创新路 换一批央视...