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aEver since I graduated from university,I've regretted that I didn't work harder.I seldom followed my own work schedule.My attitude then was not serious enough even though my father forecast trouble for me.As usual he was right .I tried to get a job in an insurance company,but I faile...
善用的英文名字根据谐音算法,有Yered、Yochanan、Yeong-ho等等,女生可以用Yating、Yayoi、Yazhu作为英文名字,男士可以用Yancey、Yuuma、Yarnell作为英文名字,善用英文名字怎么写?标准写法为Yong Shan,直议写法为Shan Yong。总共收录善用大气有涵养的英文名,以及沉稳有气质的善用英文网名总计987个。
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沪江词库精选善用左手英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 【医】 mancinism 相似单词 mancinism善用左手, 左撇子 翻译推荐 善用左眼的left 善用左手mancinism 善用左手的left 善用右手的dextromanu 善用左眼sinistrocu 善用右手dextromanu 善用右眼dextrocula ...
【亲子共读】多读英文绘本孩子就会读英语了吗? 1004 2019-04 【Ready Go】善用英语歌谣与孩子互动游戏 1079 2019-04 【父母提问】如何帮孩子复习英文?只会说单词怎么办? 878 2019-03 【一起唱童谣】Pat-a-Cake 1000 2019-03 【一起唱童谣】Rock-a-Bye Baby ...
将“ 善用機會 "自动翻译成 英文 Taking advantage of opportunities Glosbe Translate 错误 再试一次 Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“善用機會"翻译成 英文 天知道 他 怎麼 會 這麼 想. I wonder what makes him think that. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 在这些会议上,阿根廷曾提议用外债...
英文: Time is a precious resource that we all have. How we use it can greatly impact our lives. Personally, I believe in making the most of my time by being productive and efficient. This means setting goals and priorities, and constantly working towards them. One way I make use of my...