Putting the Control Back into the Hands of Users By developing intelligent healthcare tools and utilizing generative AI solutions, we put the control of well-being back into hands of users, so they can understand their data and take steps to engage in the preventative care they need. ...
adidas In 2023, Zepp Health brand Amazfit partnered with adidas for their Move For The Planet campaign, which challenged people to get moving and record their active minutes. Throughout this campaign, for every 10 minutes of movement synced from Amazfit users' Zepp App accounts to their ad...
24/7 Actionable Insights BioTracker™ A Cutting-Edge PPG Optical Sensor Our proprietary BioTracker™ PPG optical sensor gathers accurate biometric data, and through powerful data-tracking engines, provides intelligent feedback to help users track and understand their physical condition, so they can ...
华米科技成立于2013年,是一家基于云的健康服务提供商,拥有全球先进的智能可穿戴技术。华米科技也是中国首家登陆美国资本市场的智能硬件创新公司。 公司的使命是“科技连接健康”,通过“芯端云”的战略,布局芯片、智能可穿戴终端及健康云服务,构筑全球健康生态,做用户值得信赖的伙伴。基于强大的人工智能算法和大数据分析能力...
UP YOUR GAME跃动人生 手机微信扫一扫 进入Amazfit 跃我官方旗舰店 手机微信扫一扫 关注Amazfit 跃我公众号获取客服服务 服务时间:工作日周一至周五 上午8:30-12:00,下午13:30-18:00
1、华米vs 佳明 2、华米vs颂拓 3、华米vs apple watch 4、华米 vs华为 5、华米 vs 小米 八、总结及选购建议 万字手码,最后有竞品横评,建议收藏慢慢看!华米是很早就发现了市场的玄机,那就是:运动手表不能仅仅是专业功能强大,而且也要智能应用丰富、外观好看,这样才能把受众群里从专业运动人士中扩大到普通消费者...
今年9月华米Amazfit跃我如期给大家带来了智能手表新品,但不是大家猜测的GTR5,而是全新的Amazfit Balance。虽然官方没有说它是GTR4的更新款,但大家普遍认为Balance是GTR4是接力选手,主打轻薄、时尚、健康、智能。事实也确实如此,我从华米产品经理口中得知,这次升级力度之大,让华米决定给他取一个全新的名字-...
Amazfit跃我智能手表是华米科技旗下的品牌,而华米科技成立于2013年,是一家基于云的健康服务提供商,拥有全球领先的智能可穿戴技术。 华米科技也是中国产品卖到海外去的的智能硬件创新公司,同时融合了一个专业的数字化健康管理平台ZEPP,能为用户提供更好的健康服务。
Putting the Control Back into the Hands of Users By developing intelligent healthcare tools and utilizing generative AI solutions, we put the control of well-being back into hands of users, so they can understand their data and take steps to engage in the preventative care they need. ...