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War period, I received have very cried.I use the diary to take down own experience, in order to old later has been able to remember.[translate] alt's ten twenty lt的十二十[translate] a女孩儿很少抽烟 The girl very little smokes[translate] a上当受骗 Is deceived[translate]...
"上当受骗"的英文:be tricked ; be taken in trick 读法 英 [trɪk] 美 [trɪk]1、n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门;花招;骗局;欺诈 2、vt. 欺骗;哄骗;装饰;打扮 3、vi. 哄骗;戏弄 4、adj. 特技的;欺诈的;有决窍的 短语:1、dirty trick 卑鄙手段 2、play a trick on 开...
“每日学英语”多平台更新,关注后,让英语学习成为一种习惯! 每次被骗过后回想起来,是不是都有种自己很傻很天真的赶脚,我们会说自己上当受骗被人蒙了,英语里怎么表达“被骗了”?1. be fooled Don't be fooled by his appearance. 不要被他的外表给蒙骗了。 2. be diddled /'d...
今天小编就来跟大家聊聊英语中的“上当受骗”。1. Bamboozle 英 [bæm'buːz(ə)l] 美 [bæm'buzl]大部分骗术靠的是忽悠,说得天花乱坠但不一定都是真的,这个单词表示“欺骗”、“使迷惑”。例:The salesperson bamboozled us into getting a more expensive item than we had planned to buy....
沪江词库精选上当受骗英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 get the fag end 翻译推荐 上当taken 使人上当coming 使某人上当rope 哄人上当outjockey 轻易上当jump 易上当gullibilit 上当受骗 易使人上当的catchy 不轻易上当born 诱使他人上当的信件decoy ...
实用:“上当受骗”的.. 每次被骗过后回想起来,是不是都有种自己很傻很天真的赶脚,我们会说自己上当受骗被人蒙了,英语里怎么表达“被骗了”? 1。 She has been dumped on too often。 她老是上当受骗。
rise to the bait 上当受骗,上钩 They offered a good salary, but I didn't rise to the bait. 他们以优厚的工资条件作诱饵,不过我没有上当受骗。That's just what he wants you to do. Don't rise to the bait. 这正是他想让你做的,不要上当受骗。The undercover officer changed the ...
【英语日常对话】15.Be Ripped Off 上当受骗 倍速播放下载收听 00:0003:11 打开APP,完整收听你一句,我一句,对话英语不抗拒 点击个人首页的【官网链接】,免费领取价值388元一对一外教课程 Erwin: How much did you pay for the TV? 欧文:你买这台电视机花了多少钱? Dennis:200bucks . 丹尼斯: 200美元。 Er...