2006. Actividad antimicrobiana de propoleos provenientes de dos zonas climaticas del estado de Miranda , Venezuela. Efecto de la variacion estacional. Zootecnia Tropical, 24(1): 43-53.Manrique, A. Actividad antimicrobiana de propoleos provenientes de dos zonas climaticas del estado Miranda, ...
the results allowed to determine that the mesoclimatic homogeneity increases as the environmental hurnidity increases, rnainly when that gradient includes the sequence of arid, semi-arid, dry subhurnid and humid subhumid mesoclimate, which are characteristic of the thorny mountain tropical, tropical ...
For this reason and due to the necessity of having cultivars that adapt to these conditions, the present work is intended to evaluate 20 accessions of maize, including accession Gibara as a local witness, under drought conditions in two edafoclimatics areas of Gibara municipality in Holgu'n. ...
Rev Soc Ven Microbiol. 2003; 23 (2): 142-147.Ramirez,A., Blanco, M., Garcia, E. 2003. Biogeografia de Nocardia: Estudio de la poblacion edafica de Nocardia en diversas zonas climaticas del estado Lara, Venezuela. Rev. Soc. Ven. Microbiol. 23:142-147....
ECOLOGA EXPERIMENTAL Y ECOFISIOLOGA: BASES PARA EL USO SOSTENIBLE DE LOS RECURSOS NATURALES DE LAS ZONAS RIDAS NEO-TROPICALESColonialismMissionariesEducationProselytismIndigenous PoliciesEritreathe soil and climatic conditions characteristic of tropical arid and semiarid lands make them very fragile ...
Alicia. Morfologia forestal y confort termico en "ciudades oasis" de zonas aridas. Ambiente Construido, 2010, vol. 10, n°4, pp. 119 -137.Correa E. N., Ruiz M. A., Caton M. A. Morfologia forestal y confort termico en ¨ciudades oasis¨ de zonas aridas. Ambiente construido. 2010...