【弗莱堡】弗莱堡(Freiburg) 这个黑森林首府(Schwarzwaldhauptstadt)的人被阳光宠爱着,充满了生活乐趣,对游人们也非常热情好客。除了老城区及其弯弯曲曲的小巷和田园诗般的内院以及被人称作“小溪流(B?chle)”的小水渠外,老城区温馨的餐馆、独特的小酒馆和酒吧也是魅力十足。 û收藏 转发 评...
The hydrological chairs of the Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences / Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Freiburg. ...
Freiburg RGBD: KITTI: Microsoft 7 Scenes: MonoVO: Dependencies OpenCVpython >= 3.4 PyTorch>= 0.4 This repo depends on a few standard pythonic modules, plus OpenCV and PyTorch. These commands usually work (tested on Mac and Ubuntu) for installing the two libraries: pip install opencv-python pi...