正和ZHENGHE - 2006 四川省宜宾市 正和集团股份有限公司前身是始建于1975年的广饶县石油化工试验厂,生产型企业,位于山东省东营市广饶县石村辛桥,2005年4月加入中国化工集团公司,现隶属于中国化工油气股份有限公司。公司2013年原油一次加工能力500万吨,占地2000亩,员工1500余人。 ... 展开 2 正和集团股份 未融资...
商标名称 ZHENG HE 国际分类 第28类-健身器材 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 6266533 申请日期 2007-09-10 申请人名称(中文) 义乌市正和体育用品有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 浙江省义乌市后宅街道黄宅村杨树下 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 2012-03-13 注册公告...
ZHENG HE急救箱内外科综合急救箱家用应急医疗箱药箱收纳盒套装车载药品箱 综合急救箱【带53种配置】标准款图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
华夏正合总部坐落于北京金融街西环广场, 武汉分所坐落于光谷广场的资本大厦,天津分所坐落于天津金街F附近 ... 华夏正合知识产权
Zheng He,the Columbus of the East,was an amazing man.He was born in 1371 and 11 year later,he was caught by the army of arich young man called Zhu Di and made to work for him. Over time the richman found that Zheng He was very clever and strong and they became closefriends In ...
郑和下西洋The Grand Voyages of Zheng He 从明永乐到宣德年间的二十多年,郑和先后七次下西洋,航行到了印度、波斯湾、非洲东海岸等地区。在这里,您可以看到郑和下西洋的船队模型。不过这里展示的还只是船队的冰山一角。那实际上船队规模有多大呢?您可以看看展板上的对比。During the more than 2 decades from...
Zheng He, the Columbus of the East, was an amazing man. He was born in 1371 and, 11 years later, was caught by the army of a rich young man called Zhu Di and made to work for him. Over time the rich man saw that Zheng He was very clever and strong and they became close fri...
Zheng He(bornc.1371, Kunyang, nearKunming, Yunnan province, China—died 1433, Calicut [now Kozhikode], India) was anadmiraland diplomat who helped extend themaritimeand commercial influence ofChinathroughout the regions bordering theIndian Ocean. He commanded seven naval expeditions almost a century...
A timeline of major events in the life of Chinese admiral and diplomat Zheng He, who commanded seven naval expeditions in the 1400s. These voyages were important in extending the maritime and commercial influence of China throughout the regions bordering
华夏正合知识产权代理事务所成立于1985年4月1日,是中国成立最早的第一批专利事务所,于2001年4月改制为民营事务所,并于2006年由国家知识产权局指定为涉外专利事务所,更名为现在的名称。 华夏正合事务所位于北京西直门,并于2016年以后陆续设立武汉办事处、东北办事处、天津办事处。于2014年设立慧合知识产权翻译公司。