台湾情侣涉虐儿致死 涉案父亲遭羁押推荐视频 01:45 打开APP阅读 河北沧县:“共享智造”赋能特色产业高质量发展02:35 打开APP阅读 鄂渝首次协同立法防治长江船舶污染 落实岸电扶持政策 26:28 打开APP阅读 爱上中国:变迁 12:51 打开APP阅读 田红旗:中国高铁开拓路在沧海“一粟”中做到极致正在...
【典例】M yfath er ista llan dha sshor tcurl ygra yhai r.H ewear sglass e swit hheav yfram e s.Toda y Ifin d apictur e ofhim i n198 8。Wh at asurpris e !I nth epictur e,he' s1 5yea rso ldan dh e 'sshor t.H ewea rsglass eswit hsmal l,roun dframes....
My colleg elife A sw eknow ,man ypeopl efavou rth eid e ath atth ecolleg elif ei sfr e ean dcomfortabl e ,but I' dlik et osa yit' sn ottru e . A s amatt e ro ffact ,m ylif ei nuniversit yi ss obus ytha t Iwond e rif my e 1 isenough . A st om ycolle...
解析 1 .M yfathe rlike st ohav e an ap a tnoo never yday. 结果一 题目 1. My father likes to have a n ap at noon every day. 答案 答案见上 结果二 题目 1.My father likes to have a n ap aat noon every day. 答案 答案见上相关推荐 11. My father likes to have a n...
Ton yWheel e rwa sbor nt otrav e l.Hi sfath e rwork e dfo ra nairlin e .Fo rth efirs t1 6year so fhis lif e ,Wheel e ran dhi sfamil yliv e di nman ydifferen tcountries.I nth eearl y1970s ,Ton ym e t ayoun gwoma nnam e dMaureen .Th e ysoo nmarrie d...
Ihav e ahapp yfamily .M yfath e ran dm ymoth e rhav e afarm .There ar eman yanimal san dfrui to nth efarm .M ytwi nbroth e rMo elik e spears . Idon 'tlik epears .I lik epeaches .Bu tw ebot hlik eth ecut ecow o nth efarm .It snam ei sHuahua .It' swhit eand...
A Th eweath e ri nLondo ni sver ycol dthi swinter .Man ypeopl ehav e acol d.Th e yg oto s e eth edocto r.Ther ear eman ypeopl ewaitin goutsid eth edoctor' sroom . A nol dwoma nis th e firs ti nth eline. A ma ncom e san dwalk sto th edoctor' sroom .Th...
五、阅读短文,完成表格。I nChina ,man ypeopl ehav ecar sand us ethem ever yday .M yfath e rgo e
三、Read and tick or cross.I ti sFrida ytoday .Th eweath e ri sfin e .Ou rschoo li shav