Another main field covered by SINT is the design of renewable energy systems including photovoltaic, wind power and cogeneration plants.distribution and use of electricity, communication security and supervision systems, data networks, HAVC, sanitary and fire fighting installations. XGSLab™ PSI Neplan...
SINT develops and sells XGSLab. XGSLab is one of the most powerful software for Grounding, System, Laboratory of electromagnetic simulation for power, grounding and lightning protection systems and the only software on the market that takes into account
Comparison between XGSLab and CDEGSIn this blog, I’m going under to hood, so to speak. Comparing CDEGS with XGSLab to show you some real-world examples where CDEGS and XGSLab give almost identical results. Therefore, in all of these examples, we have completed and verified the earthing ...
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