EDR 和 XDR 之间的相似性 尽管范围和重点存在重要区别,但 EDR 和 XDR 解决方案都具有多种安全信息和事件管理 (SIEM)功能,包括: 威胁检测 EDR 和 XDR 解决方案都旨在为组织提供检测复杂网络攻击所需的自适应网络威胁检测功能。 事件响应 检测到网络威胁后,任一解决方案都可以快速响应网络威胁,以帮助团队减少停留时...
EDR 與 XDR 解決方案儘管有明顯不同的範圍和焦點,但有幾項共同的安全性資訊與事件管理 (SIEM)功能,包括: 威脅偵測 EDR 與 XDR 解決方案旨在為組織提供偵測複雜網路攻擊所需的自適性網路威脅偵測功能。 事件回應 任一解決方案都可在偵測到網路威脅之後快速做出回應,以協助團隊減少停留時間。
EDR 和 XDR 之間的一些主要區別包括: 重點:EDR 專注於保護端點,為特定裝置提供深入的可見性和威脅防護。XDR 擁有更廣闊的視野,跨端點、雲端運算、電子郵件和其他解決方案整合安全性。 解決方案整合:EDR 解決方案可為端點提供「同類最佳」保護,組織可以手動將它們與一系列單點解決方案整合。XDR 旨在在單一解決方案中提...
エンドポイント EDR(Detection and Response)ソリューションとXDR(Extended Detection and Response)ソリューションはどちらも、データの可視化と脅威インテリジェンスとデータ分析の使用を通じて、脅威の検出と対応を自動化するように設計されています。
XDR vs. EDR XDR extends endpoint security EDR is a crucial factor in a SOC’s methodology – it helps to secure specific endpoints across the network and prevent stolen workstation credentials, lateral movement from threat actors, and other elusive behaviors. Capturing relevant context for alerts ...
1. XDR vs Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) EDR is different than XDR in that the “E” refers to endpoints specifically, whereas the “X” in XDR indicates it handles network and cloud data as well. If you already have a security solution for your network and cloud infrastructure, ...
XDR vs. EDR&SIEM XDR最早被提到可以追溯到2018年,由一家网络安全公司提出,目的是将最新的网络安全平台与老一代区分开。老一代工具被称为端点检测和响应EDR,EDR专注于保护端点。 XDR在某些方面与事件管理或SIEM平台相似。SIEM解决方案从企业中收集安全数据,以检测威胁。支持者认为XDR超越了SIEM,因为XDR不仅仅是检测...
XDR vs. EDR Although EDR is an effective defense against cyberattacks, XDR expands on EDR with additional protections at the network, servers, cloud, and application levels. Both EDR and XDR involve continuous monitoring, threat detection, and automated response to cyber threats, but EDR's scope...
EDR vs MDR vs XDR Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)primarily focuses on endpoint security, providing visibility and control over potential threats on devices. Managed Detection and Response (MDR)on the other hand, is a service that combines EDR with security monitoring, threat hunting, and inc...
EDR vs. XDR vs. MDR EDRis the baseline monitoring and threat detection tool for endpoints and the foundation for every cybersecurity strategy. This solution relies on software agents or sensors installed on endpoints to capture data, which it sends to a centralized repository for analysis. ...