Hubble eXtreme Deep Field (XDF)Education
所谓「哈勃极深场」,准确来说就是「哈勃超深场」的升级版。全称Hubble extreme Deep Field,简称HXDF。 这张图清楚显示「哈勃极深场」所占天区的大小,与满月的对比。正是透过这一小小天区——天炉座附近,人类看到宇宙的最远极限,超过133.5亿光年的星光秘密。
We performed a fluctuation analysis of the Hubble Extremely Deep Field (XDF) at four optical wavelength bands and found large fluctuations that are significantly brighter than those expected for ordinary galaxies. Good cross-correlations with flat spectra are found down to ${0{^{\prime\prime}_{...
eXtreme Deep Field The XDF image reveals much fainter galaxies than the HUDF portrait, and includes very deep observations from Hubble's infrared camera, taken in 2009 and 2012.People also ask Here is a list of the most common customer questions. If you can’t find an answer to your questi...
The eXtreme Deep Field (XDF) combines data from 10 years of observations with the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and the Wide-Field Camera 3 Infra-Red (WFC3/IR) into the deepest image of the sky ever in the optical/near-IR. Since the initial observations of ...
所谓「哈勃极深场」,准确来说就是「哈勃超深场」的升级版。全称Hubble extreme Deep Field,简称HXDF。 这张图清楚显示「哈勃极深场」所占天区的大小,与满月的对比。正是透过这一小小天区——天炉座附近,人类看到宇宙的最远极限,超过133.5亿光年的星光秘密。
哈勃超级深场(Hubble Ultra Deep Field,HUDF),又称哈勃超深空,是一张外太空照片,显示的是天炉座的一小部份。该照片是由哈勃空间望远镜于2003年9月24日至2004年1月16日期间得到的数据累积而成的,相当于113天的曝光,是截至2006年为止以可见光拍摄的最深远的宇宙影象,显示的是超过130亿年前的情况,当中...