虽说咖啡包的便利性无可比拟,但没有什么能比得上现磨咖啡的新鲜程度。最近,就有这样一台全自动咖啡机会让爱好者疯狂心动:xBloom 。 作为一台带内置研磨机的全自动咖啡机,xBloom 专门咖啡爱好者设计,使用 xPods 填充来自世界各地知名烘焙商的咖啡豆,并且每个 xPod 都注入了针对咖啡豆的酿造配方。咖啡机自带全豆...
The xBlooms magic lies in its pods. Each pod contains real coffee beans and an NFC tag for seamless communication with the machine. It adjusts grind size, brew temperature, and more, all in biodegradable pods. With consistent excellence, a professional-grade grinder and the ability to mimic ...
无可否认,咖啡包的便利性无可比拟,但没有什么能比得上新鲜磨碎咖啡豆的新鲜度了。 xBloom 咖啡机为您提供两全其美的体验。它使用 xPods 填充来自世界各地知名烘焙商的全豆。该机器的传感器垫可以扫描咖啡包底部的条形码,自动调整烘焙机的预设冲泡设置和时间,确保在家中
The pods and coffee taste wonderful. Love that we can now buy in bulk (souther weather!) HOWEVER, I still use my kettle half of the time because this machine will not let you just pour hot water. Sometimes I have a morning where I want my dang cheap flavored beans/grounds so I can...
There's no denying the convenience of coffee pods, but nothing tops the freshness of fresh ground beans. The xBloom Coffee Machine gives you the best of both worlds. It uses xPods filled with whole beans from renowned roasters around the world. The machine's sensor pad can scan a barcode...