xanga系一个比人写blog ge网站. blog 全写系weblog 即系网上日志ge意思. 而网上有好多比人写blog ge网站. xanga系比较受欢迎ge一个写blog网站. 正如你问男人同人有咩分别 其实xanga系blog之一. blog是网路日志(weblog)的简写, 也有人从英文音译为部落格、部落阁、博客等, 是按照时间顺...
http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/yama-z kay2007520 弥足珍贵 7 Saturday, July 07, 2007 好充实呀呢排 黑眼圈既惊人功力亦都深厚左好多... 几经辛苦 我终於完成左我只大碟既制作... 真系要多谢两位监制徐继宗同埋舒文 重有公司既阿华~ 我地呢一晚食左一餐好丰富既"最後的晚餐" 真系想食咩就有咩...
足以令自己活得實在的苦澀,足以令自己快樂的企盼及足夠你送我禮物的金錢。 要常常設身處地為別人著想.當你覺得這樣會使自己受到傷害,對方可能早已經受傷了。 一句無心之失可以觸發爭端,一句狠心話可以摧毀一生; 一句適當的說話可以減輕壓力,一句情話可以替人療傷,撫慰心靈。 愛情是讓你所愛的那個人可以做回自己,...
xanga blog: http://groups.xanga.com/groups/group.aspx?a=1&id=2535690 ALL FANS CAN JOIN 一齐声援B T不要� joycelau2 玩嘢捷 1 打不开的? ekika_rl 儿童捷 5 彬翘many photos http://photo.xanga.com/EKIKA_RL/albums/e154b520333f31 http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=...
In both cases above, your StatCounter will now begin recording visitor information and, if you chose the visible option, your counter will be visible on your xanga blog!To assist you further, we’ve also put together a video tutorial which you can see below…...
When you are tired are you most aware of what you want or is everything that you want just an illusion? actually, I didn’t move. This is an archive of my entries on xanga, please visit the blog where I actually update and write blog entries: ...
还有其他呢..hehe! 我们在那边每天早上都会周围游览 碰巧当地的消防局Open Day呢...立即抓紧机会参观一下! huoxiaocong 公眾漁民 10 haha..Lupo和Tan 都争相跟消防车拍照! huoxiaocong 公眾漁民 10 two huoxiaocong 公眾漁民 10 Tan跟那边的消防员说我是香港的歌手 然后他们跟Tan交换了E-mail..哈哈 ...
Sorry as my pre-entry said, I really didn’t even had time to go on MSN (for those who communicate to me through MSN) nor Facebook (for those who communicate to me through Facebook) much less go on xanga and write, however, I did write on mywordpressblog not because I really wrot...
Myspace·Xanga·Blogger·Livejournal·CreateBlog·More » Passion Byrusticmayhem·Website Templates/2 Columns Coffee's for (Closers) BySEXhale·Xanga Layouts/Advance Sea Shells Bywickedicy·Blogger Layouts/Classic Adapted Greying ByIslaBlack·Blogger Layouts/Classic ...
Myspace·Xanga·Blogger·Livejournal·CreateBlog·More » Passion Byrusticmayhem·Website Templates/2 Columns Coffee's for (Closers) BySEXhale·Xanga Layouts/Advance Sea Shells Bywickedicy·Blogger Layouts/Classic Adapted Greying ByIslaBlack·Blogger Layouts/Classic ...