不过倡议归倡议,你还是架不住 wifer beater 已经进入老百姓的日常交流。 你看,美国最大的电商平台亚马逊上,白背心的关键词里依然出现 wife beater。 不过,作为英语学习者,咱们还是要多用常规的词,比如白背心最好说 tank top;或者 A-shirt。 至于wife beate...
不过倡议归倡议,你还是架不住 wifer beater 已经进入老百姓的日常交流。 你看,美国最大的电商平台亚马逊上,白背心的关键词里依然出现 wife beater。 不过,作为英语学习者,咱们还是要多用常规的词,比如白背心最好说 tank top;或者 A-shirt。 至于wife beater 的说法...咱们可以去了解它的历史,但最好别用。 所...
wife beater翻译结果: 'wife beater' 直译为“打老婆的人”,但在日常语境中,这个词通常指的是一种紧身、短袖、圆领的T恤,也被称为“A-shirt”,“tank top”或“sleeveless shirt”。为避免歧义,在正式或书面语境中,建议使用更明确的词汇来描述这种服装。 应用场景:这个词在日常口语和非...
click to zoom 1 / 6 OFF-WHITE Wife Beater 圆领款 $333 颜色:Black & White Select a Color Discover more:OFF-WHITE上装T恤 100% 棉花. 葡萄牙制造. 机洗. 罗纹针织布料. 此产品不适宜国际出口. 我们的款号. OFFF-WS13. 制造商样式编号 OWAB011S174060250110....
Twitter Google Share on Facebook wife-beater (redirected fromwife-beaters) Idioms n (Law) a person who hits his or her wife ˈwife-ˌbeatingn Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, ...
originated, but it's often thought that it comes from images in movies of wife-beating or otherwise violent men who are shown wearing the particular style of shirt. Some used to consider those who wore wife beater shirts to be “low class” — obviously a stereotype and not always the ...
The termwife beatershirtstill hadn’t taken hold, but the shirt went by other slang names that revealed additional stereotypes. The shirt was a mark of immigrant status. Kowalski (from the movie) was Polish, yet the white tank was oftenlinked to poor Italian-Americanmen too. Slang names for...
我很同意NOW的观点,所以我也建议大家不要使用wifebeater,只要了解它的意思、听到别人说的时候知道是什么东西就好了。至于“汗背心”,它还可以叫tank top.、A-shirt、muscle shirt或sleeveless T-shifl。我一般都用tank top。wifebeater不算的话,tank top是大多数美国人的偏好,使用率最高。
Students will then develop their own "culture jam" campaign to show them how counterhegemonic discourse can operate within the same contested spaces of popular culture to sometimes reform the status quo.doi:10.1080/17404622.2016.1139149KleinAdamRoutledgeCommunication Teacher...