WHMEasyBackup gives me the freedom to backup my critical data as often as I think is needed. After using WHMEasyBackup I wouldn't recommend using a WHM reseller account without it! Steve L., MA USA WHMEasyBackup is perfect for my needs. Your product has allowed me to keep overhead low ...
虚拟服务帐户允许您创建访问令牌,其中用户 SID 是服务 SID,例如NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller。虚拟服务帐户...
接下来,我们来完成普通用户,或者reseller账户迁移到WHM的过程。 普通用户账户,或者reseller,他们不具有root账户的权限,不可以使用上面的方式迁移,我们可以使用WHM后台的备份恢复功能。 首先,登陆新的服务器,建立一个新的账户,比如用户名backup(您也可以使用既定账户,但以下我已backup账户为例说明)。 第二步,登陆旧的cP...
接下来,我们来完成普通用户,或者reseller账户迁移到WHM的过程。 普通用户账户,或者reseller,他们不具有root账户的权限,不可以使用上面的方式迁移,我们可以使用WHM后台的备份恢复功能。 首先,登陆新的服务器,建立一个新的账户,比如用户名backup(您也可以使用既定账户,但以下我已backup账户为例说明)。 第二步,登陆旧的cP...
Germany-based web hosting company with more than 18 years of experience, providing cPanel web hosting, WHM reseller accounts and KVM VPS hosting.
Web Host Manager (WHM), is a program that allows you administrative access to your Reseller Hosting account. As a reseller, you will want to assign a separate cPanel to each of your client accounts. This allows each client the ability to log into their own cPanel to manage their hosting ...
5. 如果你不希望reseller将你挂起的账户恢复,点击Disallow resellers from un-suspending(禁止经销商解除挂起)复选框。 6. 点击Suspend按钮挂起账户,或点击Un-Suspend恢复账户。 Troubleshooting(疑难解答) 如果一个账户已经没用了,你可以使用Terminate an Account(终止账户)功能来终止这个账户。
2、WHM(Web Hosting Manger),WHM是为转售主机(Reseller)管理员服务的程序,因为Reseller是可以独立新建子账户并可以出售子账户使用的,所以WHM就是为了方便管理员管理这些子账户的。所以WHM具有创建,管理子账户的功能,还能进入子账户的控制面板(cPanel等)进行具体的网站维护,所以,WHM可以为管理员管理子账户提供了至高无上...
Affordable $1 Reseller Hosting with WHM web hosting $1 WHM Web Hosting, Affordable Web host Manager Reseller, Reliable servers with unlimited band width, Fast SSD servers