2、WHM(Web Hosting Manger),WHM是为转售主机(Reseller)管理员服务的程序,因为Reseller是可以独立新建子账户并可以出售子账户使用的,所以WHM就是为了方便管理员管理这些子账户的。所以WHM具有创建,管理子账户的功能,还能进入子账户的控制面板(cPanel等)进行具体的网站维护,所以,WHM可以为管理员管理子账户提供了至高无上...
WebHost Manager (WHM) allows you to, in essence, resell your own hosting accounts. You can create cPanel accounts within WHM, and just like InMotion Hosting, you can apply certain restrictions per account. Getting Started Log into WHM Create and Manage Accounts Manage Reseller Access Manage you...
Are you currently running your internet business on a reseller hosting account powered by WHM? If yes, there is a good chance that the fate of your entire business lies in the hands of your hosting provider. Take back control with WHMEasyBackup. ...
我們的伺服器遍布美國東海岸和西海岸,並在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹設有戰略位置。無論您是在英國託管客戶、在印度擴大客戶群還是在美國管理多個網站,InMotion Reseller Hosting 都能提供無與倫比的全球覆蓋和卓越的支援。 你們為我的客戶提供支援嗎?或者這是我作為 cPanel 轉銷商主機?
Affordable $1 Reseller Hosting with WHM web hosting $1 WHM Web Hosting, Affordable Web host Manager Reseller, Reliable servers with unlimited band width, Fast SSD servers
全部完成后保存,您的WHMCS已经可以自动开通主机了。 WHMCS整合DA同WHM/cPanel基本类似,相信朋友们都跃跃欲试了。VPSAA提供的专业型主机,支持免费正版WHMCS授权,需要WHMCS主机的朋友可以考虑下,近期我们将推出Reseller Hosting产品,为您提供全部的解决方案,敬请关注。
Germany-based web hosting company with more than 18 years of experience, providing cPanel web hosting, WHM reseller accounts and KVM VPS hosting.
∙1、官方首页:http://www.cpanel.net/ 2、WHM是一个和Cpanel面板整合的主机控制平台,为商业软件,如果有了自己的VPS主机或者独立服务器想要安装和使用WHM和Cpanel,可自行到官网购买。3、如果自己在做别的主机商的Reseller,则会有一个WHM+Cpanel的管理面板,本篇文章就来分享一下部落前几天购买的WebHosting...
[If you are running this tool on the cPanel server]: After this tool is finished, should successfully created DirectAdmin tarballs be transferred to your DirectAdmin reseller user_backups directory? (y/n) [n] 选y确认。 You’ve chosen to automatically transfer tarballs over.. please provide you...
Germany-based web hosting company with more than 18 years of experience, providing cPanel web hosting, WHM reseller accounts and KVM VPS hosting.