It’s just a bit of luxury really as we have visitorrs coming this eve. Front room nice and warm now. Took a while to get going though as I’d only just brought the kindling in this morning so despite being kept under cover it was still a little damp. Comments (0) November 20, ...
. If the tram’s not already ready and waiting, I walk all the way to the front car, so I can be among the first ones off and hit the escalators, rather than swim with the masses. Despite being weighed down with so much cargo, the young family was a couple steps ahead of me....
As a last-ditch effort I went to a local firewood place that’s basically just a parking lot full of wood, stumps, and kindling. The man who assisted me was so nice and helped me to pick out the perfect round stump to slice. This sucker is heavy, huge, and only cost $5 total. ...