crash> ps -S RU: 5 IN: 100 ID: 66 crash> ps | grep ID | head PID PPID CPU TASK ST %MEM VSZ RSS COMM 3 2 0 ffff8d91c778e200 ID 0.0 0 0 [rcu_gp] 4 2 0 ffff8d91c778b100 ID 0.0 0 0 [rcu_par_gp] 5 2 0 ffff8d91c778c980 ID 0.0 0 0 [kworker/0:0] 6 2 0 ff...
Nothing really, the nodes are dedicated to this. There's openvpn to establish a vpn connection to some devices, andprocess-exporter(in the same idea as event exporter above) that I installed after the fact trying actually to find out if there was a rogue process on the node causing issues...
Normally it happens during kernel init that if any init process fails it will be restarted and cannot be killed, eventually cause running out of memory and kernel panic. It is not so easy to find out why, I would suggest starting from device tree. 0 Kudos Reply Post...
Finally,kernel daemons operate at the kernel level and handle specific low-level system tasks. Examples of these daemons includeksoftirqdfor managing software interrupts,kworkerfor handling kernel background tasks, andkswapdfor virtual memory management. These daemons run in kernel space, which means ...
S Dec27 0:06 [kworker/0:2] ... With the above switches you'll get output regarding your processes like above. The switches aux will show you: all the users' processes show you the process listed in a user oriented fashion (by user names) show you all processes, not just ones ...