4. BATTLE FOR THE HOUSE: “In Critical Border District, Republican Pairs Immigrant Story With Tough Stance,” by NYT’s Robert Jimison in Tucson, Arizona: “As he spoke about translating for his parents during school conferences and weekends spent washing cars to earn extra money to help suppo...
“The origin of life on Earth is the biggest mystery of human beings. Scientists can have totally different points of view on the matter. Some think that life is very rare and happened only once in the Universe, while others think that life can happen on every suitable planet. If panspermi...
El Charro Cafe, the oldest Mexican restaurant in Tucson, Arizona, invented the chimichanga in 1922. The deep-fried burrito was created by accident when founder Monica Flin plunged a burrito into bubbling fat, creating a delicious mistake many have enjoyed ever since. 1923: Mars releases Milky Wa...