在多年的蛰伏后,Chromebook 应用体验终于得到了一些关注。我说的「Chromebook 应用」是指网络扩展。在浏览扩展程序时,比如我最近推荐的这五个,在 Chrome Web Store 中寻找新的徽章,以帮助你决定是否信任该扩展程序开发商。 Google 本周实施了新的徽章,「让用户更容易找到优质的扩展,同时给这些优质扩展开发者他们应得...
在多年的蛰伏后,Chromebook 应用体验终于得到了一些关注。我说的「Chromebook 应用」是指网络扩展。在浏览扩展程序时,比如我最近推荐的这五个,在 Chrome Web Store 中寻找新的徽章,以帮助你决定是否信任该扩展程序开发商。Google 本周实施了新的徽章,「让用户更容易找到优质的扩展,同时给这些优质扩展开发者他们应...
主要就是围绕安卓平台卖东西。不过chromebook和chromecast确实也是在googlr play上面有卖的。(当然走其他途...
Chrome Browser, Web Store and Chromebook at Google I/O KeynoteDio Synodinos
Using aVPN (Virtual Private Network)is one of the most secure and effective ways to unblock websites on a school Chromebook. It allows you to bypass and access content that firewalls or other school restrictions may block. First, download a reliableVPN providerapp from the Chrome Web Store. ...
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On your Chromebook, you can add and open apps from the Chrome Web Store. Important: Chrome Apps in the Chrome Web Store are only supported on Chromebooks and won't work on Windows, Mac, or Linux afte
Electron 甚至支持 ARM 版本,所以你的 app 可以在 Chromebook 或者树莓派上运行,最终,Google 可能会逐步淘汰 Chrome 封装应用 (Packaged App),但是 NW.js 仍然支持将应用程序移植到 NW.js 应用,并且仍然可以访问相同的 Chromium API。 虽然32 位和 64 位的版本都支持,所以你完全可以使用 64 位的 Mac 和 Window...
So the end result is pretty simple: you'll still head to Google Play for apps and media, but Google Store is now the home for physical products that showcase Google's services — like that new Chromebook Pixel. Google's old device pages were already pretty thorough in explaining features,...
While the Google Play Store offers a lot of these things, most Android apps aren’t really optimized for a laptop user experience, but web apps are.Besides, they take zero storage space, can beorganized neatly in Chromebook launcherand they synchronize to your Google account, so they’ll ...