VMware ESXI vmkdump dumpfile删除 ESXI5.5升级到6.0后发现datastore多了一个vmkdump的文件夹,在vsphere client下无法删除。 可以通过命令行删除, [root@ESXI02:~] vmkfstools -D /vmfs/volumes/datastore1 (1)/vmkdump/52483639-3847-4E43-3733-34373036424A.dumpfile Lock [type 10c00001 offset 112775168 v 10,...
esxcli system coredump file list20Path Active Configured Size21--- --- --- ---22/vmfs/volumes/615def9b-686cf9e2-d82e-00e0ed357c04/vmkdump/4C4C4544-0033-3410-8044-C6C04F4B4D32.dumpfiletruetrue144074342423[root@localhost:~]esxcli system coredump file remove --force24[root@localhost:~...
ESXi 5.5 (2718055) vmkdump Folder and dumpfile Generated on Every Boot I have a brand new server that was initially installed with ESXi 5.1 (custom image from Dell with needed network and RAID controller drivers) and immediately updated to ESXi 5.5 via Update Manager. The system only has a...
Is it normal for the vmkdump folder to contain a dumpfile? Hi everyone, It might be a stupid question, but I was wondering about the following: I was trying to clean up one of our datastores, and came across a Folder called "vmkdump" containing a single file named something like "xx...
[root@localhost:~]vmkfstools -D /vmfs/volumes/615def9b-686cf9e2-d82e-00e0ed357c04/vmkdump/4C4C4544-0033-3410-8044-C6C04F4B4D32.dumpfile12Lock [type 10c00001 offset84148224v38, hb offset330956813gen349, mode1, owner 61da2d96-ed7ae72e-6d9e-d89ef3243212 mtime59914num0gblnum0gbl...
Is it normal for the vmkdump folder to contain a dumpfile? Hi everyone, It might be a stupid question, but I was wondering about the following: I was trying to clean up one of our datastores, and came across a Folder called "vmkdump" containing a single ...