在使用Vim编辑器保存文件时,如果出现错误消息"E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set",这通常是由于'buftype'选项设置导致的。'buftype'是Vim中的一个选项,用于指定当前缓冲区的类型。 这个错误消息的原因是,当'buftype'选项被设置为某些特定值时(例如"nowrite"),Vim将禁止对缓冲区进行写操作,因此无法保存...
Sometimes when I save a file, I get the following error. I've identified that the 38. plugin is eunuch "user.py" 198L, 5545C written Error detected while processing function <SNR>38_W: line 8: E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set ...
"E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set" A temporary workaround I have found is to manually :set bt=acwrite before any write or to write using :Nwrite. Note, that netrw will reset to bt=nofile as part of every write. 👍 24 k-takata added the plugin-netrw label Nov 13, ...
(name) let name = printf('%s (%s)', prefix, idx) let idx = idx + 1 endwhile silent! execute 'f' fnameescape(name) endfunction function! s:chsh(swap) let prev = [&shell, &shellcmdflag, &shellredir] if !s:is_win set shell=sh endif if a:swap if &shell =~# 'powershell\...
is "smart_case" } } } -- To get fzf loaded and working with telescope, you need to call -- load_extension, somewhere after setup function: require("telescope").load_extension("fzf") --按键设置 vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>ff", [[<cmd>lua require('telescope.builtin')...
They set behavior of lualine.Values set here are treated as default for other options that work in component level.For example even though icons_enabled is a general component option. You can set icons_enabled to false and icons will be disabled on all component. You can still overwrite ...
if !isdirectory(target_path) call mkdir(target_path, "p", 0700) endif let &undodir=target_path set undofile endif 使用方式#进入需要恢复的序号中输入回车或者 u 即可恢复 vimspector代码调试#安装#Copyuse "puremourning/vimspector" 配置#Copyvim ~/.config/nvim/after/plugin/vimspector.vim let g:...
option. 32 */ 33 34 # define in_option_c 35 # include "vim.h" 36 37 /* 38 * the options that are local to a window or buffer have "indir" set to one of 39 * these values. special values: 40 * pv_none: global option. 41 * pv_win is added: window-local option 42 * ...
{ "<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.setloclist()<cr>", "Quickfix" }, r = { "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<cr>", "Rename" }, s = { "<cmd>Telescope lsp_document_symbols<cr>", "Document Symbols" }, S = { "<cmd>Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols<cr>", "Workspace Symbols", }...
CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_FILENAME_IS_UTF8","NO"); GDALDataset *pDataset=(GDALDataset *) GDALOpen( srcfile, GA_ReadOnly );intbandNum=pDataset->GetRasterCount(); GDALRasterBand *pBand=pDataset->GetRasterBand(1); GDALDataType dataType=pBand->GetRasterDataType(); ...