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VAN+HUB 汽车充气帐篷 秒变一室两厅 发布于2023.4.23 20:35 . 万次播放 房车露营Steve 关注6人3.1万粉丝 关注 评论·17 提交评论 跟着好运看世界 一个车占四个停车位,真好! 2023-04-25回复1条回复举报7人 点赞 用户8269206634643 如果在野外0K想在停车场车位少没你的地方 ...
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The article focuses on a continuously variable transmission (CVT) for automobiles invented by Dutchman Hub van Doorne. It is said that the creation of the CVT is one of the reasons that van Doorne has earned a place in the European Automotive Hall of Fame. He also started working on ...
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Marvin Braude
TensorFlow Hub is a repository of reusable assets for machine learning with TensorFlow. In particular, it provides pre-trained SavedModels that can be reused to solve new tasks with less training time and less training data. This GitHub repository hosts the tensorflow_hub Python library to downloa...
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