11、启动后,MAIN会变成这个样子,如果要添加硬盘,点击STOP,然后在Disk 2里面添加硬盘即可,由于之前的硬盘不是UNRAID的硬盘,需要格式化,所以会有下面格式化的地址,我们按照下图操作,打勾,然后点击格式化: 12、格式化以后,这个硬盘的空间就可以看到了,可以愉快的玩耍了: 到此,UNRAID就启动完成了,并且设置了硬盘阵列。本...
Write corrections to parity=将校正写入奇偶校验 Writes=写入 Wrong key=错误密钥 Wrong Pool State=存储池异常 xfs_repair status=xfs 修复状态 You may not add new disks and also remove existing disks=您不能添加新磁盘,也不能移除现有磁盘 your server=您的服务器 zfs pool status=zfs 存储池...
说明 在使用 zfs 文件格式并格式化硬盘后,无法通过 rm 命令删除已共享的文件夹(哪怕已经删除共享)。 示例: root@unraid:/mnt/disk2# rm -r appdata/ rm: cannot remove 'appdata/': Device or resou
(slow) array once mover runs. We wantat leastthe pre-generated images on the cache; we don't really care about the longevity of these files, so even if you've only a single disk cache pool, we can keep them there. Should the worst occur and your cache disk dies, we can always ...
Unraid provides all the aforementioned features, except in a much better-looking and easy-to-access interface. It's based on Linux Slackware and supports XFS, ZFS, Btrfs, and ReiserFS file systems. Additionally, Unraid can manage an array of drives with the ability to add additional drives lat...
With 96GB RAM you will see no improvement on video data, does not matter if you double RAM or add an nvme as an l2arc. I would skip the nvme and start with a 6 disk (3 x 2 disk) mirror that you can extend with more mirrors. What you need is a fast pool with good iops ...
When I have those 2 additional HDDs installed, I won't have anywhere to add more storage without replacing smaller drives with larger ones. Storage Spaces Pool Size Limit The other issue here is that Windows Storage Spaces has a limit on the size of a pool to 63 TB. I'm not there...
Adding drives to pools isn't that difficult, but you can't change the pool type afterwords. So if you want single disk parity, (1 parity drive for every 4 data drives, 5 total), and you add more drives, you HAVE to add 5 more identical drives to the pool to still have data parit...