Twinkle Tray 电脑版 60.9MB 下载PC版介绍 Twinkle Tray是一款功能强大的屏幕亮度调节工具,支持在一块屏幕上调节所有的显示器亮度,很大程度上方便了我们调节显示器亮度,快来下载体验这款免费的亮度调节工具吧。 基本简介 Twinkle Tray可让您轻松管理多台显示器的亮度。尽管Windows10能够调节大多数显示器的背光,但它...
Twinkle Tray lets you easily manage the brightness levels of multiple monitors. Even though Windows 10 is capable of adjusting the backlight on most monitors, it typically doesn't support external monitors. Windows also lacks any ability to manage the brightness of multiple monitors. This app inse...
from : Twinkle Tray lets you easily manage the brightness levels of multiple monitors. This app adds a new icon into your system tray, where you can click to have instant access to the brightness levels of all compatible monitors
twinkle tray 🔎产品描述 显示器亮度调整软件 ✨体验亮点 方便快捷,可以同步控制几个显示器亮度,也可以单独设置每个显示器。毕竟不是同款显示器的话最大亮度不一样,还有根据时间自动调整亮度。传统显示器的摇杆和按键还是没有鼠标调节用的顺手。 🙋♀️推荐指数 ...
Twinkle Tray lets you efficiently manage the brightness levels of multiple monitors. Even though Windows 10 is capable of adjusting the backlight on most monitors, it typically doesn't support external monitors. Windows 10 also lacks any ability to manag
Twinkle Tray: Brightness Slider, free and safe download. Twinkle Tray: Brightness Slider latest version: Utilities & Tools - Twinkle Tray and Brightne
123云盘为您提供Twinkle Tray最新版正式版官方版绿色版下载,Twinkle Tray安卓版手机版apk免费下载安装到手机,支持电脑端一键快捷安装
win11,twin..各位大佬,我用win11电脑,昨晚上安装了twinkle tray调节主副屏亮度。因为这个app上面说用他自带的开关机有风险,我就只在副屏上试用了开关机功能,主屏幕未使用。亮度调好后,我就重启了电脑。
Twinkle Tray was built using frameworks & libraries such asElectron,Node.js,node-ddcci, andwin32-displayconfig. Thanks to Weblate for allowing free use of their service, along with the many contributors to the localizations of Twinkle Tray. The app would not be nearly as popular without all ...
Twinkle Tray官方版是一款专业的屏幕亮度调节工具。Twinkle Tray最新版支持定时以及快捷键进行亮点调节功能,用户能够利用鼠标或键盘操作。通过Twinkle Tray软件用户能够根据时间自动将监视器设置为特定的亮度级别,还能通过一天中的时间自动更改监视器的亮度,方便省事。