网友们(特别是青岛的朋友们)这下闲不住了,大家你一句我一句的,都快吵翻天了。 A few days ago, People's Daily also discovered the dispute in the English name of “青岛”, and it launched a discussion on its official microblog “Should...
网友们(特别是青岛的朋友们)这下闲不住了,大家你一句我一句的,都快吵翻天了。 A few days ago, People's Daily also discovered the dispute in the English name of “青岛”, and it launched a discussion on its official microblog “Should the English name of ‘青岛’ be Qingdao or Tsingtao”, ...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) Plural and Possessive Names: A Guide The Difference Between 'i.e.' and 'e.g.' Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'?
TheNorthCinaCraton,aAncientgranitesandLoesssedimentsaccumlateRicefarmingfirstappearsatChangdaoisfirstsettledOriginallyasmallfishing continentalmassinwhichmetaphoricrocksdevelopininthefertileNorththebeginningofthebytheDongyinationalityvillage,acustoms Qingdaoislocated,beginstheShpeninsula,in,luvialvalleyfedHoloceneperiodhina...
Boeing’s offer is rejected — what strike means for the economy Union members have rejected Boeing’s latest offer, meaning a strike that is costing the company $1 billion a month will continue. BA Business News Videos 8 hours ago
In 1995 Jin Zhiguo was put in charge of the Hans Brewery, a fresh Tsingtao acquisition. On his first day there, he found a financial statement on his desk that said, "Daily production: 1,000." Not bad, he thought. But then he learned that the number referred to bottles, not cases-...
Tsingtao Brewery is China's second-largest brewery, holding 16 percent of the domestic market share. Additionally, it contributes to half of China's national beer exports. The specific factory under scrutiny, established in 2...
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青岛日报/青岛观/青报网讯 城市“夜经济”的灯光亮起来了。6月28日晚,“越夜越TSINGTAO,点亮夜时尚”TSINGTAO1903开幕季启动仪式在凯德MALL TSINGTAO1903酒吧举行,青啤二厂店、万象城店、即墨古城店同步启动。 这是一个百年品牌与城市的时尚互动,以啤酒音乐美食新体验,打造“夜经济”时尚品牌,将成为激发城市活力、...