先添加你国内的银行帐号,点左边的Recipients 接着点 “Add your bank account”,如图: 刚开始我输入了一张招商银行的卡,结果提示: Sorry, TransferWise can’t pay out to that UnionPay card. It could be connected to a business account, or an unsupported Chinese bank. 换个国有银行的卡试试,例如:工商...
TransferWise launches new business account and plans foreign exchange cardOscar WilliamsGrut
使用Wise 进行跨境汇款时,通过银行转账付款通常是最便宜的选择。银行转账可能比借记卡或信用卡要慢,但通常是最划算的。 了解如何使用银行转账作为付款方式。 借记卡 使用借记卡支付汇款费用既简单又快捷。它通常也比信用卡便宜,因为信用卡的处理费用更高。 详细了解如何使用借记卡支付汇款费用。 信用卡 使用信用卡支付...
对于某些货币或大额汇款,我们需要您的身份证照片。这有助于确保您资金的安全。 支付汇款费用 您可以选择银行转账、借记卡或信用卡作为您的支付方式。 大功告成 剩下的交给我们处理。您可以在账户中查看汇款状态,我们会通知您的收款人将有款项到达。 汇款到荷兰的最佳方式 ...
Open a Wise Business account as a great online-only banking alternative to classic, corporate business accounts, and be free of geographic and interactive limitations. Try Wise Business Wise Business Review: Fees, Exchange Rates, Functionalities, and Monito's Verdict Olivia Willemin Guide Dec 29...
我们目前正在努力支持从中国香港到俄罗斯的 RUB 汇款。 请在下方登记加入等候名单,我们会在推出 RUB 汇款服务后立即通知您。 立即注册以第一时间收到通知 Wise 的全球覆盖范围 汇款 阿根廷 阿拉伯联合酋长国 埃及 爱尔兰 爱沙尼亚 安道尔 奥地利 澳大利亚 巴基斯坦 ...
1. Register for a free account. To register for a free account, follow the steps below: a. Enter transfer wise website and click “register” b. Select “Personal” for a personal account or “Business” for a business account. For the sake of this tutorials, select “personal”. ...
TransferWise is launching its new borderless account and debit card today — check it outOscar WilliamsGrut
Brian Elliott opened the discussion by introducing the panelists and posing a series of icebreaker questions about everyday remote work habits. This set the stage for a deeper exploration of how leade… At Running Remote 2024 Polina Dimitrova, the Global Head of People at Make, delivered an in...