1、Transferred Epithet(移就移就)Definition:A transferred epithet is,as its name implies, a figure of speech where an epithet( an adjective or descriptive phrase )is transferred from the none it should rightly modify to another to which it does not really belong. Generally, the epithet is ...
修辞手法移就_Transferred_Epithet TransferredEpithet(移就)Definition:Atransferredepithetis,asitsnameimplies,afigureofspeechwhereanepithet(anadjectiveordescriptivephrase)istransferredfromthenoneitshouldrightlymodifytoanothertowhichitdoesnotreallybelong.Generally,theepithetistransferredfromapersontoathingoridea.移就 •...
资源描述 Transferred Epithet(移就) Definition:A transferred epithet is,as its name implies, a figure of speech where an epithet( an adjective or descriptive phrase )is transferred from the none it should rightly modify to another to which it does not really belong. Generally, the epithet is tr...
修辞手法移就_Transferred_Epithet TransferredEpithet(移就)Definition:Atransferredepithetis,asitsnameimplies,afigureofspeechwhereanepithet(anadjectiveordescriptivephrase)istransferredfromthenoneitshouldrightlymodifytoanothertowhichitdoesnotreallybelong.Generally,theepithetistransferredfromapersontoathingoridea.移就 •...
Transferredepithet, is a figure of speech in which an epithet (or adjective)grammatically qualifies a noun other than the person or thing it isactually describing.() 参考答案:对 点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 多项选择题 企业人力资源规划信息采集和处理的基本原则包括( )。
Definition: Transferred epithet is a figure of speech where an epithet (an adjective or descriptive phrase) is transferred from noun it should rightly modify to another to which it does not really belong. (转类形容/移就就是把通常修饰甲类名词的形容词转而修饰乙类名词,从而达到生动的效果。这种修饰...
Transferred epithet转移修饰(移就).pptx,Transferred epithet转移修饰(移就)制作人:ConnieTransferred epithet转移修饰(移就)definitionAn epithet is an adjective or descriptive phrase, used to modify noun.It is a figure of speech where an adjective is transf
Don't confuse transferred epithets with personification, a figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is given human qualities or abilities. One of literature's best examples of personification is a descriptiveline from the poem"Fog" by acclaimed American poetCarl Sandburg: ...
the creaking sound of the chair since “he” crashed down it. There is close relation between “protesting” and “chair”. Transferred epithet is actually a figure of speech based on Contiguity ie. Transferred epithet belongs to Association by Contiguity. 3. Transferred epithet is suitable for ...