2:重启EA APP,并修改密码(要改长一点不然每次启动都要重弄) EA是不会有美少女背景的!!! 3:修改完毕后登录即可,修复完客户端画面不会发生变化,但游戏可以正常启动 修复完成画面,游戏可以正常运行 Something went wrong... To continue linking your EA Account, head back and start over. 本文禁止转载或摘编...
求助贴当初在stea..最近突然想下回来玩,结果下完之后提示To continue linking your EA Account, head back and start over(图1)然后按照网上说的后台结束各种ea进
To continue linking your EA Account, head back and start over. I get this message when I'm trying to link my steam account to my ea account. I had this steam account linked to my ea account before because I have played battlefield 5 and FIFA 22 before. Please don't...
在STEAM上补票了质量效应传奇版,然后下载了100G的游戏,没想到Steam死活关联不了EA账户。EAAPP单独可以登录,但是只要点击Steam上的质量效应,就显示“Something went wrong... To continue linking your EA Account, head back and start over.”根据网上的解决方法,把密码EA的密码改得超长也没用,使用加速器单独登录...
Check the box next toI understand and wish to continue. ClickUnlink. I’m getting an error message If you’re getting an error message when you try to unlink your accounts, your EA Account isn’t eligible to unlink right now. Not what you were looking for?Try searching again....
When trying to install jedi survivor through epic games it opens up the ea popup and just comes up the error "Something went wrong...To continue linking your EA Account, head back and start over" No matter what i do it just comes up with the same error. Screenshot 202...
You can only link one Steam account to an EA Account, so make sure you choose the right EA Account to link to. If you unlink your Steam account and link it to a different EA Account, any entitlements, like in-game rewards, points, and items, will remain on the EA Account that your...
此外,"To continue linking your EA Account, head back and start over." 这个提示是建议你从头开始一次链接的过程,因为之前的一次操作未能成功完成。可能是因为重复尝试而造成了某些混乱。因此建议你在最开始就先退出登陆状态然后再来试一次看看是否能成功的连入自己的账号。也可以清除cookies缓存之后再次进行尝试看...
正文 1 可以找另一台的电脑上去复制下这个缺失的文件,看看能否解决问题。或者你可以尝试使用腾讯电脑管家来修复缺失dll文件,具体方法是,打开腾讯电脑管家--电脑诊所--软件问题--丢失.dll 文件--一键修复--完成,如果还是解决不了,去脚本之家下一个文件直接复制进去就能搞定了。如果找不到,还可以下载一个dx修复...
作者来教你 工具/原料 影驰电脑A320M Ver1.0 Windows10 方法/步骤 1 下载作者提供的百度网盘文件 2 解压下载好的压缩包 3 打开解压好的文件 4 将steam_api.dll和steam_api64.dll这两个文件剪切 5 移动到Mount & Blade II Bannerlord/bin/Win64_Shipping_Client中 6 启动游戏就可以开始玩了 ...