The Three Billy Goats Gruff(机器翻译:三只山羊嘎啦嘎啦)作者:Alligator Books 出版社:Alligator Books ISBN(13位):9781842397022 语种:英语 开本:16 页数:24 市场价:¥ 30.0装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存 其他 九成新 ¥ 24.30 ¥ 21.38 0 有货通知 ...
一副木梯夹在桥头,一艘木船停在岸边,一扇窗户、一扇门这就是他的家,一口黑锅、一个箩筐就是他的家当。 故事的英文名称《The three billy goats gruff”》直译为三只粗野的公山羊。在最早的英文翻译版本中,他们的姓氏是“嘎啦嘎啦...
【艾瑞·卡尔经典绘本】🦋 The Very Hungry Caterpillar (好饿的毛毛虫) 605 -- 2:33 App 0164.Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream(featuring The Super Simple Puppets) 3836 -- 1:59 App 0152.This Is The Way We Go To Bed 1827 -- 5:14:03 App 全427集 少儿英语启蒙《Wow English》逐字讲解,适...
别人家的牛娃!一年级学生一人分饰几角、声情并茂地朗读表演第7级别绘本!2024“寻找英语分级阅读领读人”活动参选作品抢先看!学生:佛山市南海区南光中英文学校 容梓睿英语绘本朗读表演:《新魔法英语分级读物》(经典版)第七级 The three Billy Goats Gruff(仅作前期展
于是,他冲向大怪物,用两只犄角把大怪物撞进了河里 Big, Bigger and Biggest Billy Goats Gruff went on to eat the tall, green grass, and the troll went for a swim! 于是,三只公山羊愉快地爬山了山坡吃着绿油油的草,而大怪物只能饿着肚子在河里扑腾了。
But the Billy Goats Gruff were afraid to cross the bridge,for in the darkness below lived a big,hairy troll with horrible yellow eyes. 但是山羊们不敢过桥,因为在桥底下住着一个长着毛的大怪物,还有一双可怕的黄色眼睛。 The three Billy Goats Gruff grew hungrier and hungrier.One day,Little Billy...
When the three Billy Goats Gruff decide to clip-clop across the bridge to get to the grassy ridge, the troll is already imagining all the way to prepare a delicious goat dinner. But the troll underestimates those seemingly sweet but oh-so-savvy goats! This is the first in a groundbreaking...
The Three Billy Goats Gruff (机器翻译:三只山羊嘎啦嘎啦) 作者:Ladybird Books Ltd 出版社:Ladybird Books Ltd ISBN(13位):9781846460692 语种:英语 开本:48 页数:32 市场价:¥ 50.0 装帧成色申东价活动价库存 精装 九成新¥ 12.00¥ 10.560有货通知...