Jasper Fforde. 首次在《 穿越時空救簡愛The Eyre Affair 》登場的角色(介紹次序參考自Wikipedia上的人物列表。) Victor Analogy 維多.類比 七旬之齡的老人,斯溫登特勤廿七文學偵查部的主管。 最精彩的演出是在滲入「訪地者」中以不像他年紀會有的身手一拳 捉拿Acheron的某位手下(笑)。 Bowden Cable 鮑登.纜線...
Jasper FfordeFforde J (2001) The Eyre Affair, London: Hodder and Stoughton.Fforde, J. (2001). The Eyre affair. London: Hodder.Fforde, J. 2001, The Eyre Affair. London: Hodder.Fforde, Jasper. The Eyre Affair. New York: Penguin Books, 2001....
為了避免訂錯版本的事情再次發生…今次去了Jasperfforde.com的Goliath Corporation訂了這本遲遲沒買的英版TN1 – The Eyre AFfair,連運費約二百塊吧,所以也順度訂了Jurisfiction的T-shirt XDDD。哥利亞集團(大笑)還附上一張收據,稱讚你跟他買東西是”a person of extremely good taste”。 另,包裹也附上了兩...
being an urban paranormal fantasy-romance. I had a great time, and this is what I said about it:“Okay–we all know the cover above looks like I’ve taken a side-trip into a lurid romance. Don’t be deceived by the cover!
网络穿越时空救简爱;谋杀简爱;循环事件 网络释义
The Eyre AffairViking 1st edition hardback with flyleaf. Cover changed slightly to the proof. No major changes from the UK version. Rear cover features 'Thursday Next' dictionary entry. Since I can't resist tinkering, take a look at the entry under 'Thylacine'. The extinct marsupial ...
The Eyre Affair – Fforde, Jasper The Malazan Book of the Fallen series – Erikson, Steven The Man Who Loved Children – Stead, Christina The Stranger – Camus, Albert Wicked – Maguire, Gregory Housekeeping – Robinson, Marilynne Something Wicked This Way Comes – Bradbury, Ray ...
The Eyre Affair (2001, Thursday Next #1) by Jasper Fforde Fables, Queer and Familiar, by Margaret Merrilees Facing the Music (1994), by Andrea Goldsmith The Factory, by Paddy O’Reilly Factory 19, by Dennis Glover Faceless, by Amma Darko Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury The Faint-hearted ...
The Eyre Affair – Jasper Fforde The Princess Diarist – Carrie Fisher The Cry – Helen Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald The Narrow Road To The Deep North – Richard Flanagan Gone Girl – Gillian Flynn Sharp Objects – Gillian Flynn ...
by Jasper Fforderead by Susan Duerden ages: adultSupport your local independent bookstore: buy it there! When I finished Jane Eyre a few years (well, five) back, someone told me that now I needed to read The Eyre Affair. I said okay, and stuck it on the TBR list, and then promptly...