tequila sunrise n (Cooking) a cocktail, usually consisting of tequila, orange juice, and grenadine. The ingredients have different densities and settle into bands of colour that resemble the sky at sunrise Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins...
While it is possible to create a perfectly good sweet sunrise with store-bought orange juice and grenadine, it's even better when you follow the "fresh is best" theory. Once you learn the beauty of this easy mocktail, it may even replace your morning orange juice. It also makes a ...
特基拉日出(Tequila Sunrise),又称龙舌兰日出,少量墨西哥产的龙舌兰酒(Tequila)加大量鲜橙汁佐以红糖水调制而成。辅以橙角或红樱桃装饰,高身的香槟杯会赋予它优雅的气质。夏季特饮,色彩艳丽鲜明,由黄逐步到红,像日出时天空的颜色,极具卖相。象征少女的热情清纯的阳光气息。这个有些时候被算到Mocktail里,因为酒精...
Arizona: Tequila sunrise The origin of the Tequila Sunrise is a bit murky. Some say it was invented in Arizona in the 1930s, while others say the modern version hails from Sausalito, California, in the ’70s. Another group believes it dates back to Tijuana, Mexico, during Prohibition. Wh...