GetScriptIncludeExists Gets the script including the test for existence of type being scripted. (繼承自 ScriptNameObjectBase。) GetScriptingOptionsForCreate 取得SqlSmoObject 物件的 ScriptingOptions。 (繼承自 SqlSmoObject。) GetServerName 取得物件相關聯之 SQL Server 執行個體的名稱。 (繼承自 SqlSmoObje...
假设Students表中有主键SCode列,Score表中有外键SID列,SID引用SCode列来设施引用完整性约束,此时如果使用T-SQL:Update Students set SCode=”001201” where SCode=”01201来更新Students表的SCode列,可能的运行结果是( )
GetScriptIncludeExists(繼承自ScriptNameObjectBase。) GetScriptingOptionsForCreate(繼承自SqlSmoObject。) GetServerNameGets the name of the instance of SQL Server with which the object is associated. (繼承自SqlSmoObject。) GetServerObject(繼承自SqlSmoObject。) ...
GetScriptIncludeExists Gets the script including the test for existence of type being scripted. (从 ScriptNameObjectBase 继承。) GetScriptingOptionsForCreate 获取SqlSmoObject 对象的 ScriptingOptions。 (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。) GetServerName 获取对象与之关联的 SQL Server 实例的名称。 (从 SqlSmoObject...
What is the synonym for “dedicated”? A、Devoted B、Delicate C、Delicious D、Destructive 点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 多项选择题 随着计算机视觉技术、网络技术的日趋普及与成熟,()已经成为平安城市建设的一种必然趋势。 A.智能化 B.高清化
Our tutors are standing by Ask a question and one of our academic experts will send you an answer within hours. Make sure to include all the information needed to answer the question. Please direct questions about technical support or the website tocustomer support. ...
Valid types include things like tables, views, synonyms, and columns. Returns: a string describing the type of object. getReference public DBObjectID getReference() Retrieves the object refered to by this synonym. Returns: the object referenced by this synonym setReference public void set...
Notice how you must include both the schemathat contains the table along with the table name to perform the query.Assume that the database administratorcreates a public synonym with the following SQL statement:假如数据库管理员创建了⼀个public 同义词:CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM sales FORjward.sales_...
visual display of similarities and differences. As you begin to separate the similarities and differences in the work, you will begin to see patterns forming on which you can draw conclusions. For instance, Dorian Gray and Victor Frankenstein both have secrets. What is similar about their secrecy...
For Liferay 7.4 U80 or earlier, you must include the LiferayDocumentType declaration at the beginning of the JSON file. For example, see the Liferay 7.4 GA80 mappingsUsing the Override Type Mappings field, change the analyzer for the template_fr dynamic field to use the custom analyzer (custom...