Discover word stress. Understand what a stressed syllable is. Read examples of stressed syllables in two-syllable words, suffixes, and compound words.
ExamplesTwo syllablesNounson the first syllablecenter object flowerVerbson the last syllablerelease admit arrange 14、CompoundNouns (N + N) (Adj. + N)on the first partdesktop pencil case bookshelf greenhouseAdjectives (Adj. + P.P.)on the last part (the verb part)well-meant hard-headed old...
1、Unit 8Stressed Syllables & Unstressed SyllablesWhat is word stress?nStress may be defined as the degree of intensity or loudness placed on a sound, that is, the amount of force one puts on a syllable or a word to give it importance. nA word stress means a prominent syllable. When a...
1. How do stressed syllables help you when you read and speak? They help you figure out how a word is pronounced. They help you understand the meaning of a word. They make language sound more interesting. All are correct. 2. Why do writers sometimes use words with certain stressed syllab...
The students will learn stressed syllables & unstressed syllablesin English. Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Define - in their own words a definition forstressed syllables & unstressed syllables.It is a revision and therefore, easy for most of the students; 2.Compare – based on the ...
desktop pencil case bookshelf greenhouse on the first part Nouns (N + N) (Adj. + N) Compound release admit arrange on the last syllable Verbs center object flower on the first syllable Nouns Two syllables Examples Where is the stress? Word type Examples Where is the stress? Word type ...
shape totalsyllables 3 Stressedsyllable #1 4 #2 4 #3 Stressmaybedefinedasthedegreeofintensityorloudnessplacedonasound,thatis,theamountofforceoneputsonasyllableorawordtogiveitimportance.Awordstressmeansaprominentsyllable.Whenasyllableisstressed,itispronouncedlongerinduration,higherinpitchandlouderinvolume.Three...
英语语音教案 Unit08 Stressed Syllables amp; Unstressed Syllables.doc,Unit 8 Lesson Plan (With Notes for Teachers) Stressed Syllables Unstressed Syllables Date: Nov.4-8 Class: Classes 1, 2 3, Grade 2002 Subject: English Pronunciation for Communication Pur