上篇文章《电影知识图谱问答(三)|Apache Jena知识存储及SPARQL知识检索》中讲到如何将处理后的RDF数据...
1 How to create a small SPARQL query for DBpedia? 0 Sparql about dbpedia:World_Wide_Web 4 Simple SPARQL Query on DBpedia 2 SPARQL Query using FILTER 0 Sparql query to DBpedia 2 Sparql dbpedia query 2 Building a simple SPARQL query for DBPedia Hot Network Questions Why do I...
import org.apache.jena.query.Query; import org.apache.jena.query.QueryFactory; public class SparqlQueryTypeChecker { public static void main(String[] args) { String sparqlQuery = "SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object WHERE { ?subject ?predicate ?object }"; Query query = QueryFactory.crea...
1.–query后边表示要运行的查询语句所在的文件;–data表示所要查询的数据文件; 2.查询文件rq后缀约定俗称,怎么写都能成功运行。但是数据文件的后缀在用于区分数据文件格式,只要使用一种适合序列化格式的标准后缀,sparql 工具就会正确地解析该格式(例如,.ttl 用于 Turtle图表,.rdf 用于 RDF/XML,.nt 用于 N-Triples)...
Based on using SPARQL and DBPedia, I want to retrieve the information about all churches located in Paris. If I run the code below, it returnsnull. I cannot figure out what is wrong, because there is no error message. packagecom.tests.example;importorg.apache.jena.query.Query;importorg....
<sd:supportedLanguage rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/ns/sparql-service-description#SPARQL10Query" /> <sd:url rdf:resource="http://dbpedia.org/sparql" /> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> 导师让我检查rdf xml drop中是否存在特定的字符串(我正在用java开发这个,this.url是sparql端点的url) public...
pq-dbpedia -c examples/dbpedia/dbpedia_rules.pl -e "pair_genre_ic(dbr:'Metallica',dbr:'Megadeth',IC)" The-eoption tells the script to execute the query directly rather than try and compile everything to a single SPARQL query (this may be possible, but could be highly inefficient). ...
All query methods have the require a query string and a context object, with the return type depending on the query type.For example, a SELECT query can be executed as follows:const bindingsStream = await myEngine.queryBindings(` SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p <http://dbpedia.org/...
ASK example This query gets a boolean response from DBPedia's SPARQL endpoint: fromSPARQLWrapperimportSPARQLWrapper,XMLsparql=SPARQLWrapper("http://dbpedia.org/sparql")sparql.setQuery("""ASK WHERE {<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Asturias> rdfs:label "Asturias"@es}""")sparql.setReturnFormat(XML)...
For instance, they may serve as SPARQL compliance tests or can be used for learning in query-by-example systems. We ensure that the created datasets are diverse and cover various practical use cases and, of course, that the sets of answers included are the correct ones. Example tests ...