¿Por qué estos cambios no están en vigor? There have been no changes or reforms. No ha habido cambios ni reformas. It is they who are the source of the changes. Son ellos la fuente de los cambios. Changes have to be made. Es necesario modificar este escenario. The Rule...
Si Momentáneamente oscuro, ¡se abrió a una pradera con lahierbamás verde vigorosa, yaltaque jamás pude imaginar! The farm, thetall grass, the barn, clouds and fences fill the background as you get prepared to share in the farmer's wealth. ...
I was concerned about the stealing and plagiarism I have read about on TPT but after spending all my free time for two weeks struggling to combine and format these 400 or so documents into a single manuscript (it's VERY complicated in Word when you have columns, headers, footers, etc. fo...
My grandpa is 75 years old, but he is still full of vigor. In fact, he swims a kilometer every morning. Mi abuelo tiene 75 años, pero todavía está lleno de energía. De hecho, nada un kilómetro cada mañana. He swims in the money, and gives nothing to the poor. Recoge todo...
Su padre disciplinaba con mano vigorosa (y firme) paroxytone target word followed by three intervening unstressed syllables c. La catedral tiene una bóveda bonita (y grande) proparoxytone target word followed by three intervening unstressed syllables The participants were asked to read the ...
In the sporting world, red’s representation of strength is also evident. The national soccer teams of Spain and Chile are affectionately referred to as “La Roja” or “The Red One,” underscoring the color’s association with vigor, determination, and the passionate spirit of these soccer-ma...
如PPT文件的首页显示word图标,表示该PPT已包含配套word讲稿。双击word图标可打开word文档。 特殊限制: 部分文档作品中含有的国旗、国徽等图片,仅作为作品整体效果示例展示,禁止商用。设计者仅对作品中独创性部分享有著作权。 关键 词: UNE-EN ISO 7346-3 1998Spanish.pdf ...
Si estas recomendaciones son aprobadas por la Legislatura 85o,entraránen vigor en septiembre 2017. Roll the dice and learn a new word now! Explore Regional Spanish with Premium Only SpanishDictionary.com covers the whole Spanish-speaking world!
Si esta historia resultara correcta, la conclusión en cuanto a políticas sería simple: echar a los políticos que se vendieron a la banca, subirimpuestos a los ricosy redistribuir los ingresos de manera más vigorosa. More examples
(FR) Este texto debe entrar en vigor lo antes posible. (FR) This text must enter into force as soon as possible. Una vez preparado en la jeringa, utilizar lo antes posible. Once prepared in the syringe use as soon as possible.More examplesMachine...