Excel Solver Add-In Hi all, I am trying to get the Solver Add-In to work. I activated it without a problem following the recommended steps, but once I try to use it, I get an error message saying the macro 'SOLVER.XLAM!GetGroupLabel' could not be run and that macros might be dis...
Excel Solver Add-In Hi all, I am trying to get the Solver Add-In to work. I activated it without a problem following the recommended steps, but once I try to use it, I get an error message saying the macro 'SOLVER.XLAM!GetGroupLabel' could not be run and that macros might be dis...
Excel for Microsoft 365Excel for Microsoft 365 for MacExcel 2024More... The Solver Add-in is a Microsoft Office Excel add-in program that is available when you install Microsoft Office or Excel. To use the Solver Add-in, however, you first need to load it in Excel. ...
在“Excel选项”对话框中,选择“加载项”类别。接着,在“加载项”窗口中,点击“转到”按钮,这将打开一个新的对话框。在弹出的“添加-Ins”对话框中,需要找到并选中“Solver Add-in”选项。这个选项通常会在列表的底部,需要仔细...
如果你在Excel 2010中缺少Solver.xla,可以尝试以下步骤: 打开Excel 2010并点击“文件”选项卡。 选择“选项”。 在“Excel选项”对话框中,选择“加载项”。 在“加载项”窗口中,点击“转到”按钮。 在弹出的“添加-Ins”对话框中,找到并选中“Solver Add-in”选项。 点击“确定”按钮。 返回到Excel界面,你应该...
Click Add-Ins, and then in the Manage box, select Excel Add-ins.Click Go. In the Add-Ins available box, select the Solver Add-in check box, and then click OK. Notes: If the Solver Add-in is not listed in the Add-Ins available box, click Browse to locate the add-in. If you...
The solver add-in in Excel is not working properly. I was using this add-in two weeks ago and it was working perfect. However, I needed it for an assignment in class today and it was not working. When I tried to enable it again I get a message that says "Microsoft Excel cannot ac...
Solver是Excel自带的插件,不需要单独下载安装。但Excel默认是不启用Solver的,启用方法:在"工具"菜单中点击“插件”,在Solver Add-In前面的方框中打勾,然后点OK,Excel会自动加载Solver,一旦启用成功,以后Sovler 就会在"工具"菜单中显示。Solver求解非线性回归问题的方法:假设X和Y满足这样一个关系:Y=L(1-10...
Solver安装方法:Solver是Excel自带的插件,不需要单独下载安装。但Excel默认是不启用Solver的,启用方法:在”工具”菜单中点击“插件”,在Solver Add-In前面的方框中打勾,然后点OK,Excel会自动加载Solver,一旦启用成功,以后Sovler就会在”工具”菜单中显示。
启用方法:在”工具”菜单中点击“插件”,在Solver Add-In前面的方框中打勾,然后点OK,Excel会自动...