傻词:improve——靓词:boost(促进), enhance(加强) 傻词:meaning——靓词:implication(该词表示“寓意”,最好用在第一段用来阐述图画的寓意) 傻词:basic——靓词:fundamental 傻词:happy——靓词:happily, happiness, make sb. happy...
希望 meaning ['miːnɪŋ] n. 意思 taste [teɪst] n. 味道;品味 cheerful [ˈtʃɪəfʊl] adj. 兴高采烈的 colourful ['kʌləfəl] adj. 多彩的 ticket ['tɪkɪt] n. 票,入场劵 keep [ki...
These verbal expressions may reflect their understanding of the meaning of the risk ("gist", Reyna and Brainerd 2011). It is thus extremely important that healthcare providers recognize the importance of this tremendous variability in the words patients use to interpret a single risk number.Ancker...
2022年10月,“新安江—千岛湖皖浙省际航线”作为安徽省唯一的“特色文化游”航线入选国内水路旅游客运精品航线试点。 游览完了咱徽州的美景, 祖国大好河山 还有更多不一样的风景 等待你去打卡, 这些不一样的旅游精品航线 也很是值得期待哦~ THE MEANING P...
Griffin, J., 1986, Well-Being: Its Meaning, Measurement and Moral Importance, Oxford: Oxford University Press. –––, 1996, Value Judgement, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hare, R.M., 1981, Moral Thinking, Oxford: Oxford U...
特邀报告人及报告题目如下(按发言顺序):香港中文大学李行德教授(The acquisition of unaccusativity in Chinese: Evidence for constraints on form and meaning)、香港中文大学潘海华教授(Thematic hierarchy, causative hierarchy, and the inter...
Like qualifiers, modifiers modify the meaning of a sentence. They change its meaning, depending on the intention of the speaker. Modifiers are the broadest category of words that help you describe meaning. Because of that, they can...
“汉语形式语义研究”国际研讨会议程 “汉语形式语义研究”国际研讨会 International Symposium on Formal Approaches to Meaning in Chinese 时间:2019年6月22-23日 地点:北京语言大学新综合楼1211 主办单位: 中国社会科学院语言研究所《当代语言学》 北京语言大学语言科...
yourself with the culture from which the language you are interpreting originates. This will help you to better understand the person for whom you are interpreting so that you can ...