Though the way that minecraft handles textures the numbers will need to be powers of 2. Basically multiply the base size by 2 over and over until you get the size you want. I have not tried going lower but theoretically that should also work. New Skins: 64x64,128x128,256x256,512x...
minecraft吧 阿拉伯蒸饺 【教程贴】【持续更新】minecraft皮肤制作教程(需使用MCSKIN3D)八年前开过一次皮肤制作教程贴,现在再开一次希望能有点支持吧。 先贴几张这几天做的成品皮肤。 2L留作更新通知。 3L开始正式更新教程。 45723 minecraft吧 爱松露的猪鲨 问一下mcskin3d做的皮肤怎么导出成png格式啊?如题 ...
Microsoft Windows 10 专业版 x64 ——— CPU:#0Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400F CPU @ 2.90GHz 内存:8107 显卡:#0NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 ——— 核心路径:F:\MC\.minecraft\versions\1.14.4-forge-28.2.0 Java信息:C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_144\bin\javaw.exe (Java1.80 32 Bit) ...