Group and Forum help ↗SKCC Advanced Membership SearchSearch by SKCC number, call sign, name, city, or state: SKCC number (with or without the CTS suffix character) Call sign (including old call signs) On Air Name (usually your first name) Full Name (first and last name) City SPC (you...
The SKCC Group is the world's fastest growing group of straight-key morse code enthusiasts from around the globe. The group hosts an extensive list of morse code resources; a forum for members to share ideas, experiences and techniques, and active mailin
“While acknowledging the patient’s personal treatment goals upfront, we then sit down in a case conference and review as a group the specific issues about the patient and start recommending how to tailor the therapy – if we should avoid a certain treatment versus another or put...
姚先生坐在研究室里,笑嘻嘻地连文带信拿给我看,向一个比他小四十三岁的学生征求意见,我把它们匆匆看过,然后抬起头来,望着姚先生那稀疏的白发,很诚恳地答他道: 王先生在文章里说得很明白,他说「首先不必谈如何使青年接上这一棒,倒要看看如何使老年们交出这一棒」。站在一个青年人的立场,我所关心的是:...
可信度有待先生证实,小伙伴们可以当一种占卜法门来看,以资娱乐 很多人想知道自已前世今生从哪里来,死后灵魂归于何处。《达摩一掌经》是佛教秘不外传的轮回论命大法!它能算三世因果,及死后归属。同时它还可以用来论命,定人生富贵贫贱夭亡。有奇验。所论命之法与传统四柱方法不同,《达摩一掌经》是以12生肖来定...
可信度有待先生证实,小伙伴们可以当一种占卜法门来看,以资娱乐 很多人想知道自已前世今生从哪里来,死后灵魂归于何处。《达摩一掌经》是佛教秘不外传的轮回论命大法!它能算三世因果,及死后归属。同时它还可以用来论命,定人生富贵贫贱夭亡。有奇验。所论命之法与传统四柱方法不同,《达摩一掌经》是以12生肖来定...
可信度有待先生证实,小伙伴们可以当一种占卜法门来看,以资娱乐 很多人想知道自已前世今生从哪里来,死后灵魂归于何处。《达摩一掌经》是佛教秘不外传的轮回论命大法!它能算三世因果,及死后归属。同时它还可以用来论命,定人生富贵贫贱夭亡。有奇验。所论命之法与传统四柱方法不同,《达摩一掌经》是以12生肖来定...
Group and Forum help ↗Remote Station Operation Guidelines SKCC Key Policy If any device in no way changes the length, duration, or weight of a manually created element by an operator and does not in any way include software or firmware that improves the operator's original skill then it ...
Group and Forum help ↗The SKCC Marathon AwardLast Update: 8-Nov-2024Winners | Participants | Logs | Submit QSO Click on the image to enlarge it To earn the Marathon Award, one must engage in 100 QSOs, each 60 minutes or longer, and each with a different SKCC member using their assign...
姚先生坐在研究室里,笑嘻嘻地连文带信拿给我看,向一个比他小四十三岁的学生征求意见,我把它们匆匆看过,然后抬起头来,望着姚先生那稀疏的白发,很诚恳地答他道: 王先生在文章里说得很明白,他说「首先不必谈如何使青年接上这一棒,倒要看看如何使老年们交出这一棒」。站在一个青年人的立场,我所关心的是:...