腹腔镜手术多采用2-4孔操作法,其中一个开在人体的肚脐眼上,避免在病人腹腔部位留下长条状的伤疤,恢复后,仅在腹腔部位留有1-3个0.5-1厘米的线状疤痕,可以说是创面小,痛楚小的手术,因此也有人称之为“钥匙孔”手术。 腹部手术基本都可通过腹腔镜完成,比如腹腔镜胆囊切除、胃部手术、结直肠手术、疝气阑尾、肝脏...
嗯,我有一只会说话的驴。 3. Knight: Right. Well that’s good for ten shillings, if you can prove it. 好的。如果你能证明的话,那就值10先令。 4. Old lady: Oh, go ahead, little fella. 请开始吧,小家伙。 Knight: Well? 嗯?
4加4 by:ECHO_CUI 1545 4a4b by:铱芃 5227 MH4U4 by:大桥外语保定地区 4063 EIM4_Workbook4 by:细雨斜阳_ud 940 KB4-CD4 by:桔梗1980 6416 KB4-CD4 by:奥思麦思维英语 2708 KB4-Unit4 by:东亚西文情境英语 3.1万 Super Minds4-4 by:莱恩美语 ...
The Art of "Shrek" Forever After (Shrek 4) 暂无报价 6评论 100%好评 编辑推荐: 内容简介:For Shrek, life is good. He’s king of the fairytale kingdom of Far Far Away, surrounded by friends, and a celebrity to his people. But boredom takes hold . . . that is, until he meets...
Although Shrek 4 isn't shown , the DreamWorks had lost to Pixar. 这部影片着实不错,虽然《史莱克4》没上映,但是梦工厂的《训龙高手》是已经败给了皮克斯。 www.fachun.net 3. Holds the record for reaching the $400 million mark the fastest, after 18 days. The former record holder was Shrek 2...
shrek4英文电影介绍PPT ShrekForeverAfter •AdomesticatedShrekhatchesaplantorecapturehismojoanddiscoverswhatlifeinFarFarAwaylandwouldhavebeenlikehadheneverexistedinthisfinalchapterofthepopularanimatedfilmseries.ThereusedtobeatimewhenthevillagerswouldruninterroratthemerementionofthenameShrek,butthesedaysthebiggreenogre...
阳光明媚的一天,史瑞克(迈克·梅尔斯 Mike Myers 配音)和菲奥娜(卡梅隆·迪亚茨 Cameron Diaz 配音)正在进行他们的蜜月旅行。在某个未知的叉路口,迷失方向的史瑞克和驴子(艾迪·墨菲 Eddie Murphy 饰)正对着一张地图争论,菲奥娜则被洋葱头做... 演职人员(43) ...
>怪物史莱克 4D Shrek 4-D 原名:Shrek 4-D 片长:12分钟 制片国家/地区:美国 编剧:杰弗里·卡岑伯格/大卫·李普曼 导演:西蒙·史密斯 Simon J. Smith 上映日期:2003-06-12 又名:怪物史莱克-法尔奎德领主的鬼魂, 史莱克·四度空间, 史瑞克4D, Shrek The Ghost of Lord Farquaad ...
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