Transportation has been used to calculate distances within the Shannara world. This includes the time taken to walk, ride, travel by cart and theobscuretravelling by bird and flying boat! Full scale & Coloured representation of the Shannara Map The maphas not been embellished or had bits added ...
The Shannara Chroniclescontinues to improve in its second season, giving us a strongly entertaining episode in “Dweller.” I’m a little skeptical of just how much plot is happening per episode in this show, just, you know, in general, and there’s a lot going on in “Dweller,” but ...
Tolkien. hadread Ringstwo years earlier. What Tolkien’smagic fairycreatures were made WalterScott Dumas?What storytook place somewhere timeless neverthelesshinted strongly ourown world future?What ourpresent knowledge had been lost, sciencehad been replaced...